Newsletter of the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe

How to apply Open project proposals: A team of four experts (plus optional self-funded associate partners) represented by a prospective coordinator puts forward a project proposal based on the rationale and themes of the Call for submissions. The proposal includes details of all team members, indicating their role within the team. Based on the broad themes in the Call document ‘open’ project proposals should develop content and outputs for the projects. Closed project proposals: An individual expert sends an application in response to one or more of the project descriptions under closed project proposals. In the case of project “Towards a Common European Framework of Reference for language teachers”, applications may be from individuals OR from teams / consortia. ‘Closed’ project proposals should correspond to the detailed project descriptions provided in the Call document. Deadline for submissions: 1 May 2015
Información adicional:
Call for submissions for the 2016-2019 ECML programme: Languages at the heart of learningWhat is it about? For the new programme 2016-2019, the ECML seeks submissions from professionals active in the field of language education with a strong interest in European cooperation, such as practice-oriented researchers, teachers, teacher educators, inspectors, training providers.The Call recognises that quality language education is a pre-requisite for quality education overall. Language is at the root of all learning: all teachers, irrespective of sector or subject area, have a role to play in developing the linguistic and intercultural repertoires of their learners. This is reflected in the title: Languages at the heart of learningKey themes -Inclusive, plurilingual and intercultural education in practice -Language teacher education in digital literacy -Teacher education for early language learning -Learning environments where foreign languages flourish -Pathways for learning -Professional learning communities -Whole-school teacher cooperation – language(s) of schooling -Towards a CEFR for language teachers

La nuit à Madrid. Vision stellaire d'un moment de l'Histoire (1840-1936)

Viernes 26 de junio, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 10h-14h Arts et imaginaires nocturnes Présidence Lise JANKOVIC (CREC, Université Paris 3) -Mathilde ASSIER (Université Paris 4) Les représentations de la nuit madrilène dans La Ilustración española y americana : petit traité de “méthode Coué” à l’usage du lecteur -Evelyne RICCI (Université Paris 3). La vision de la nuit madrilène dans les romans frivoles du début du xxe siècle -Javier BARREIRO (Universidad de Zaragoza). De La Tonta de la Pandereta a Madame Pimentón. Tipos populares en la noche madrileña -David CONTE (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid). Las vanguardias literarias y el imaginario nocturno de la modernidad Débat 16h-17h30 Nuit du spectacle et mise en spectacle Présidence Daniel A. VERDÚ SCHUMANN (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) Lise JANKOVIC (École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid / Université Paris 3 - CREC). Nuit blanche sur les planches: “Si no bebo no vivo” (Los Trasnochadores, 1887) Serge SALAÜN (Université Paris 3) «La nuit madrilène à la lumière des spectacles» 18h-19h Conférence de clôture Jorge URRUTIA (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) La noche no está hecha para divertirse Conclusions Jean-François BOTREL (Université Rennes 2) Casa de Velázquez C/ de Paul Guinard, 3 28040 Madrid
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PROGRAMAJueves 25 de junio, Casa de Velázquez9h30-10h OuvertureMichel BERTRAND (Directeur de la Casa de Velázquez). IntroductionDavid CONTE et Lise JANKOVIC (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid / CREC, Université Paris 3)10h-11h Conférence inauguraleAlain CABANTOUS (Université Paris 1). La nuit transgressive ? Europe occidentale xvii-xviiie siècle11h-14h Vers un quadrillage de la nuit Présidence Alexandre DUPONT (École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques, Casa de Velázquez, Madrid)-Nuria RODRÍGUEZ MARTÍN (Université Paris 4). La electrificación y la creación de la noche iluminada en Madrid, 1878-1936-Samuel LLANO (Durham University, UK). Prácticas musicales y control social: los sonidos de la noche madrileña, 1850-1930-Rubén PALLOL (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Con nocturnidad. La calle y la noche en conflicto en el moderno Madrid, 1900-1930Débat16:19 Loisirs, Plaisirs et vie noctambulesPrésidence David CONTE (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)-Jordi LUENGO LÓPEZ (Universidad de Sevilla). Oficios humildes de un Madrid nocherniego.Voces, luces y sombras de poética velada -(1848-1936)-Santiago de MIGUEL SALANOVA (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). El expreso de la noche madrileña. La Gran Vía y el ocio nocturno en la época de entreguerras-Consuelo TRIVIÑO ANZOLA (escritora colombiana). La bohemia antibohemia: visiones de un latinoamericano

Influencia de la cultura árabe en la cultura española

Información adicional:
A cargo de Amalia Calzado, profesora de Historia del Arte-Arte hispano-árabe, 5 de mayo - las 15h-Influencia de la indumentaria árabe en España, 6 de mayo – las 9hAula de Recursos del Departamento

IV Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Saint Louis University

Topics: Here is a list of the sessions and their organizers for 2016; please contact session organizers for further information. 1.Perspectives on Spanish Chivalry (Damian Smith: 2.Courtly Love Romance in Iberia: the Analysis of Sentimental Fiction (Ana M. Montero: 3.Celebrating Four Hundred Years of Miguel de Cervantes (Julia Lieberman: 4.History and Literature in the Trastamaran Age (Ana M. Montero:
Información adicional:
Call for papers for papersThe Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies provides a convenient summer venue in North America for scholars in all disciplines to present papers, organize sessions, participate in roundtables, and engage in interdisciplinary discussion. The goal of the symposium is to promote serious scholarly investigation on all topics and in all disciplines of the medieval and early modern worlds.Plenary Speakers: Barbara Newman (Northwestern University), Teofilo Ruiz (University of California, Los Angeles)We welcome proposals for papers, sessions, and roundtables on all topics and in all disciplines dealing with Medieval and/or Early Modern Iberian Studies. Special attention will be given to the topics listed below. If you'd like to submit an abstract for one of these sessions, please submit a proposal on the following website link:[://]or submit it directly to the session organizer.Papers presented at the symposium can be selected for peer-reviewed publication at journal Allegorica. Deadline for submission of paper proposals is December 31, 2015.

V Congreso Internacional Multidisciplinar de Investigación Educativa (#CIMIE16)

Materias de especialidad:
Correo electrónico:
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Contacto:AMIECorreo e.:

V Jornadas Valencianas en Torno al Aprendizaje de Lenguas Asistido por Ordenador (V Jornadas ALAO)

Materias de especialidad:
Correo electrónico:
Información adicional:
Contacto:Ana Gimeno SanzCorreo e.:

II Seminario de Fonética Forense (II SFF)

Materias de especialidad:
Correo electrónico:
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Contacto:José Antonio Martín GómezCorreo e.:

TOTh Workshop 2015. Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications (TOTh Workshop 2015)

Materias de especialidad:
Correo electrónico:
Información adicional:
Contacto:Antonio Pareja-LoraCorreo e.:

IV Encuentro Internacional de Bibliología. «Las materialidades de las escrituras ayer y hoy»

Materias de especialidad:
Correo electrónico:
Información adicional:
Las propuestas serán enviadas a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: encuentrobibliologia@gmail.comEl inicio del envío de propuestas será el 30 de octubre de 2015 y la fecha final de recepción el 1 de marzo de 2016. La aceptación de las propuestas se dará a conocer exclusivamente a los ponentes aceptados, a partir del 15 abril de 2016 vía correo electrónico.Contacto:Laurette GodinasCorreo e.:

1st International Conference on Translation, Ideology and Gender (TRADIGEN)

Materias de especialidad:
Proposals related to other issues of gender in translation are welcome, such as the following: - Gender and scientific discourse in translation - Women translators in scientific translation - Gender and censorship in translation - Gender identities in translation - Diachronic perspectives of the same text in different translations and their representation of gender - The translation of gender related topics - Female characters in translation - Language, gender and politics in translation Comité organizador: Dr. Carmen Camus Camus (Universidad de Cantabria) Dr. Cristina Gómez Castro (Universidad de León) Dr. Julia Williams Camus (Universidad de Cantabria) Contacto: Departamento de Filología, Universidad de Cantabria Correo e.:
Correo electrónico:
Información adicional:
The 1st International Conference on Translation, Ideology and Gender is being organized around the general idea of addressing issues related to the representation of gender in translated discourses and the ideological implications the shifts of meaning may bear on female image construction. The conference stems from the Ministry funded research project TRACEgen (Traducción y censura en la representación del género-: FFI2012-39012-C04-04), which focuses on studying the incidence of censorship on gender as manifested in the discourse of the health sciences.The conference will provide an international forum for sharing information and for presenting the latest research findings. The program will feature international research and key note speakers in the field. The aim is to build on the research that has been developed in the last twenty-five years and to broaden its perspectives by considering gender representation filtered by power and ideology in translated text.The Conference will focus on the following thematic areas:- Gender and ideology in the Translation of the Health Sciences- Gender views in the translation of popularized medical discourse- Cultural representations of gender in translated medical discourse- Terminology and gender in medical translation- Social media and their representation of gender in translated medical discourse- Genre shifting and its implications for the translation of gender.