
Encuentro Virtual de Profesores de Español de Escandinavia 2021 (EPEE21)

El Instituto Cervantes de Estocolmo y la Embajada de España en Estocolmo,  Asesoría Técnica de Educación para los Países Nórdicos, celebran este encuentro virtual, a través de la plataforma Zoom, del 18 al 19 de junio de 2021del 18 al 19 de junio de 2021.

El encuentro se centrará en la enseñanza reglada del español en el sistema educativo sueco, en especial en primaria y secundaria a niños y adolescentes, así como en temas de léxico y perspectiva cognitiva.

Comité organizador/científico:
Emilio Quintana Pareja, coordinador académico del Instituto Cervantes de Estocolmo
José Juan Rodríguez Pérez, asesor técnico de Educación para Dinamarca, Finlandia, Noruega y Suecia
Tim Andersson Lind, Karsby International School. Control técnico del Encuentro.

Consulten el programa:
Información sobre la participación:
La fecha límite de presentación de propuestas: 31 de mayo de 2021.
Correo electrónico:
Contacto disponible en su página web

Encuentro de Profesores de Español en Escandinavia (EPEE19)

Materias de especialidad:
El Instituto Cervantes de Estocolmo celebra este encuentro del del 14 al 15 de junio de 2019 en Estocolmo (Suecia). El propósito es compartir experiencias e intercambiar todo tipo de ideas e iniciativas que contribuyan a la mejora de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del español en el área de los países nórdicos. 

Se invita a investigadores y profesores de español para que participen presentando sus experiencias de aula o sus estudios. Antes del 18 de mayo se pueden presentar talleres de 60 minutos y /o comunicaciones de 30 minutos, a través de este formulario :
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International Conference. Languages, Nations, Cultures «Pluricentric Languages in Context(s)»

El Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism, en colaboración con el Research Programme Interaction and Variation in Pluricentric Languages (IVIP), celebra este congreso del 22 al 24 de mayo de 2019 en Estocolmo (Suecia). Se abordarán diferentes conceptos teóricos de las lenguas pluricéntricas y las consecuencias de la ideología de la lengua estándar dominante, frente a las lenguas pluricéntricas o no dominantes.

Comité organizador:
Rudolf Muhr (University of Graz):
Carla Amorós Negre (University of Salamanca):
Nils Langer (Europa-Universität-flensburg):
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International Conference «The Pragmatics of Negation»

The meeting is organized by the Department of Romance studies and Classics at Stockholm University in the period 31 May - 2 June. 2017. Conference languages will be English, French and Spanish, but we also welcome presentations on negation in other languages. The theme Pragmatics of Negation has been the subject of two research panels at the International Pragmatic Association’s (IPRA) international conference (2011 and in 2013). The second panel resulted in a collective volume that will appear in the beginning of 2017 (Roitman (eds), forthcoming).

Negation is one of the uncontested language universals. It is among the most complex, phenomena of human languages. The structural expressions of negation and negative functions are connected to all language levels; it has been studied in different linguistic domains, in pragmatics not the least.

The pragmatics of negation, which is actually one of the most privileged areas for negation studies, involves how we use and interpret different forms of negation in communication. What meanings do forms of negation generate in different contexts? The conference will also promote studies on how negative meanings are created in specific contexts: what linguistic forms and figures, other than negation lexica, may generate negative meanings?

The theme of the conference relates back to the asymmetric postulate of negative sentences as non-equivalent to inverted assertions, but an operator that carries more complex structures, on a syntactical, lexical and semantic level. Arguments for negation being essentially different from assertions have been presented in studies on negation’s relation to negative polarity item, to quantifiers, to scalar words, on the unequal reference ability (of negations and assertions) and on the fact that the interpretation of negatives is a cognitively demanding process. Probably because of these mentioned factors, negation generally constitutes a marked item in discourse; negatives break with the expectations in the context and also hint a subjacent positive counterpart. Meanings of negations therefore gain from being analysed by taking into account criteria that go beyond the formal linguistic aspects of language and take into consideration the communicative situation and the interplay between the interlocutors involved in the interaction.

The focus of the conference will be on corpus driven studies where the connection is made between the use, meanings and forms of negation in relation to genre, in a broad sense of social and cultural activity. Here follows the axes of the conference:

1) Relation negative forms – negative functions in a genre perspective. Are they related to the text type and genre? One may for example expect initial negation (No, etc.) to be more common in interactive genres, and pre- or post verbal phrase negations to be more frequent in more formal with only one speaking subject.

2) Negation and figure of speech. How is negation linked to rhetorical devices as metaphors, litotes, irony, maxims, proverbs, etc.? Is negation a figure of speech in itself? Are there some language evolutionary aspects to be considered here?

3) Negation in political, media and constitutional discourse. Professionals in media, media training and academic writing generally propose a restrictive use of negations in order to produce clear, unambiguous and comprehensive texts. Can we say that negation is less suitable for straightforward communication? On what grounds?

4) Negation has, within French enunciation theories, been considered an operator in language that subdivides negative utterances into hierarchical organized strata creating multi-voiced “polyphonic” texts. Within Critical Discourse Analysis negation appears as one of heterogeneous linguistic entities that may represent and reflect power relations and real hierarchies in language. Fauconnier, within his theory on “mental spaces”, has described negation as “space opener” that creates and unifies two worlds in a meaning construction process. Givón postulates negative utterances to embrace a pragmatic presupposition. Can these perspectives – all dealing with the interference of a positive counterpart in negatives – complete each other?

5) Negation in language acquisition and cognitive aspects of processing and understanding negative utterances. Many language acquisition studies show that negation is acquired late because of its syntactic and cognitive complexity that may have implications on comprehension and interpretation. Do these findings have any impact on the didactics of language learning?

The deadline to submit abstracts is the 20th of January. To submit your abstract, please send it to this address: Your abstract may be written in English, French and Spanish. Please ensure that the following information is included in the document:

Title of presentation
Your name
Your institution
Phone number
Email address
Summary (maximum 300 words)
References (Maximum five)

Important dates:
15 March: Participants send revised abstract according to template to
1-30 April: Registration and payment at Konferensservice (see further information on website published in January)
31 May - 2 June: Days of conference
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Encuentro anual de la ACBLPE


Congreso sobre el contacto lingüístico entre el español y el portugués. Las temáticas abarcan criollos, lenguas mixtas, variedades urbanas emergentes, multi-etnolectos y otros lipos de contacto lingüístico, tal como las prácticas descritas como code-meshing.

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Información adicional:

Comité de organización: Laura Álvarez López, Anna Jon-And, Geraldine Quartararo, Torun Reite, Manuel Guissemo.


Poitical Discourse and the Extremes in the Romance Speaking Countries (ROMPOL II)

Materias de especialidad:
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Información adicional:
Contacto:María BernalCorreo e.:

IV Congreso Internacional Tradición e Innovación. Nuevas perspectivas para la edición, la investigación y el estudio de documentos antiguos

Están confirmadas las conferencias plenarias de: -Erla Erlendsdottir (Reykjavík), -Florentin Lutz-Beck (Berna/Colonia) -Mats Malm (Gotemburgo). -Enrique Obediente (Mérida, Venezuela), -Christopher Pountain (Londres/Cambridge), -Nieves Sánchez Gonzalez de Herrero (Salamanca) Comité científico: Ingmar Söhrman Pedro Sánchez-Prieto Borja Nieves Sánchez González de Herrero Juan Pedro Sánchez Méndez Plazo de envío de propuestas: hasta el 30 de julio de 2015 Notificación de contribuciones aceptadas: 20 de agosto de 2015 Contacto: Ingmar Söhrman Correo e.:
Información adicional:
Este congreso es continuación de los tres anteriores que se celebraron en la sede del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España); en la Universidad de Neuchâtel y en la de Salamanca en 2009, 2011 y 2013. Está abierto a todos los investigadores que trabajen por la recuperación del patrimonio documental de España y América, por su edición con criterios homogéneos y por la creación de grandes corpus electrónicos de amplia representatividad. Asimismo están invitados a participar también todos aquellos que utilizan o aplican nuevas perspectivas y métodos de análisis a la documentación como fuente de conocimiento.

Parler les langues romanes/Parlare le lingue romanze/Hablar las lenguas romances/Falando línguas românicas (9th GSCP)

Materias de especialidad:
Información adicional:
GSCP conferences cater to researchers interested in spoken communication with focuses ranging from the linguistic aspects of speech and the pragmatics of interaction to the biological bases of communication including speech pathology, automatic treatment of speech data and resources for the study of speech (such as the creation of corpora, analysis, synthesis and automatic tagging resources).The ninth GSCP will take place at the Stockholm University and Uppsala University. It aims to promote interest in spoken language studies in Romance Languages, a field of studies that has a strong tradition at Uppsala University and is one of the leading research areas at Stockholm

Encuentro de Profesores de Español en Escandinavia 2015

Materias de especialidad:
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Información adicional:
Este Encuentro va dirigido a todas aquellas personas implicadas en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera, segunda lengua o lengua materna o de herencia, incluyendo a profesores, formadores, autores de materiales didácticos, autoridades educativas, académicos e investigadores.Queremos que sea un espacio abierto en el que compartir experiencias, intercambiar inquietudes y actualizar conocimientos lingüísticos, pedagógicos y culturales. Buscamos la participación de las asociaciones de profesores, universidades, escuelas y otras instituciones relacionadas con la enseñanza del español en Escandinavia, así como la de aquellos profesores de español que quieran impartir un taller o compartir experiencias que hayan funcionado en sus clases.También agradecemos la presentación de tesis de grado o postgrado e investigaciones relacionadas con la enseñanza de la lengua española. El tema de esta edición es «Redes de aprendizaje e intercambios educativos en un contexto global».Plazo de envío de propuestas: hasta el 30 de abril de 2015Contacto:Intituto Cervantes EstocolmoCorreo e:

Coloquio North and South

Materias de especialidad:
Possible areas include, but are not limited to: Journalism and media Processes of integration in the EU Migration Ethnicity, folklore and nationalities Sociolinguistics Literature, film and travel writing Travel and tourism Art and music Religion and ecumenism European economy and demography Late modern European history Plenary speakers: Prof. Emanuele Kanceff, CIRVI Centro Interuniversitario Ricerca Viaggio Italia, Torino Prof. Magdalena de Pazzis Pi Corrales, Complutense University, Madrid Prof. Heidi Hansson, Umeå University Ph. D. Peter Stadius, Helsinki University Ph. D. Nicolas Fieulaine, University of Lyon Fecha límite envío de ponencias: 21 de diciembre Contactos: Elena Lindholm Narváez:, Coppélie Cocq:, or Beppe Nencioni:
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Información adicional:
The aim of the symposium is to gather researchers around the concept of modernity as created on the threshold between the European North and South. The idea is to discuss the concept of modernity as centred on the North, but also to consider the idea of the South as European modernity's Other, as well as images and notions that undermine that dichotomy. Proposals are welcome from across disciplines within the Humanities and the Social Sciences. The symposium is held in English.