Estados Unidos

Coloquio Internacional de Estudios del Diálogo en español y portugués

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El Coloquio abordará sobre el Análisis del Discurso y la Pragmática, especialmente en su dimensión dialógica. El objetivo reside en incluir un programa que muestre el panorama general de la investigación actual en esta área del conocimiento, y que se organizará en torno a tres conferencias plenarias y sesiones simultáneas de 20 minutos, donde se presenten ponencias y se realicen debates teórico-metodológicos de 10 minutos después de cada presentación. Temática de las sesiones simultáneas:Análisis conversacionalDiálogo y política La dimensión dialógica en los medios Diálogo e ideologíaAdquisición de segundas lenguas y el diálogoDiálogo e identidad La dimensión pragmática del diálogoLa cortesíaIronía y humorOtras dimensiones dialógico-discursivasLos colegas interesados en participar deben enviar su resumen antes del 1 de diciembre de 2006. Los autores deben enviar a un mensaje donde se adjunte el resumen bajo las siguientes condiciones: no debe ser superior a dos cuartillas (medidas de las hojas 21 x 29 cm. y con todos los márgenes de 2,5 cm.), que incluya ejemplos y referencias; y ha de estar escrito en Word, con caracteres Times New Roman de 12 puntos. Además, en el texto del mensaje se debe anotar el título de la ponencia, el área temática correspondiente (si fuera posible adecuándose a la lista de temas mencionadas anteriormente), el nombre del o de los autor(es), afiliación, dirección, número de teléfono y dirección electrónica. (No deben anotar esta información en el resumen adjunto, y tampoco enviar el resumen por fax.) Cada investigador debe mandar un solo resumen (sea en participación individual o en colaboración). Se dará preferencia a las ponencias que no hayan sido presentadas en otros congresos. Más información:Página web del Congreso.Correo electrónico:

III Transatlantic Conference

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Wednesday April 12.4:00 p.m. Salomon 001Carlos Fuentes (Mexican writer, professor-at-large of Hispanic Studies): ''The Atlantic Imagination and New International Relations''. (In English) Thursday April 13 5:45 p.m. Salomon 001Juan Luis Cebrián (Spanish writer): ''Escribir en España: Testimonio de parte'' (In Spanish).Friday April 14 3 p.m. Salomon 001Consuelo Sáizar (Directora, Fondo de Cultura Económica) and Carlos Monsiváis (writer and social critic): ''La vida del libro en México'' (In Spanish). 4 p.m. Margo Glantz (Mexican writer): ''Confesiones de una escritora trashumante'' (In Spanish). Saturday April 153 p.m. Salomon 001Josefina Ludmer (Buenos Aires), Juan Francisco Ferré (Málaga), Beatriz Pastor (Dartmouth College), Juan Luis Cebrián, Carlos Monsiváis, and Carlos Fuentes: ''Escenarios globales, territorios locales: la cultura atlántica actual'' (In Spanish).Papers include the narratives of human rights, post-dictatorship representations in Spain and Argentina, political memory in México and Spain, reconsiderations of center and margins, Hollywood in the new Spanish novel, the American detective story in Spanish, world literature and the publishing industry, subject formation and national counter-narrations.- Free and open to the public. For a complete program contact:

Juan Ramon Jimenez and Zenobia Camprubi: From Maryland to the Nobel Prize (1943-1956)

Materias de especialidad:
Further information: Department of Spanish & Portuguese University of Maryland 2215 Jiménez Hall College Park, MD 20742 Tel: +1 301 405 6441 Fax: +1 301 314 9752 E-mail:
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Three day event that will display the preeminence of Juan Ramón for the study of Spanish literature in the United States, its impact on US literature, the plasticity of Jiménez's poetry as displayed in Juan Gómez Macías's art and the involvement at Maryland of the Jiménez's, (Zenobia Camprubí and Juan Ramón Jiménez taught at UMCP from 1943-1951) particularly in view of the 150th Anniversary of the Foundation of the University of Maryland. Participants:Antonio T de Nicolas (Professor Emeritus, State University of New York, Stoney Brook) is the principal translator of JRJ into English. Juan Gómez Macías, Director of the Fundación Luis González Brú (San Roque) is a poet and international plastic artist who has devoted himself to explore the symbolic order of JRJ in iconic form. Mercedes Julia (Vilanova University) has written on JRJ and has recently edited "Tiempo". Christopher Maurer (Boston University), has written a biography of Juan Ramón Jiménez: "The Complete Perfectionist: A Poetics of Work" (1997). Jose María Naharro-Calderón (University of Maryland at College Park), Coordinator of the Symposium, is a specialist of the Spanish Exile of 1939 and JRJ. Graciela Nemes (Emerita, University of Maryland at College Park) Official Authorized Biographer of Juan Ramón Jiménez and Zenobia Camprubí.

XXXII Congreso Annual de Literaturas Hispánicas

Fecha límite para recibir propuestas: 15 de mayo de 2006. Envíen propuestas y preguntas a: XXXII Congreso Anual de Literaturas Hispánicas Indiana University of Pennsylvania Department of Spanish 455 Sutton Hall Indiana, PA 15705-1087 Correo electrónico: El comité del congreso: Peter Broad Herlinda Hernández Sean McDaniel Marveta Ryan-Sams Liliana Jurewiez Dawn Smith-Sherwood
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...versiones fílmicas de obras literarias; cine y teatro; técnicas cinemáticas en la literatura, cine clásico mexicano; cineastas españoles; cine femenino...Proposals for papers and panels (3-4 papers) are invited. One-page abstracts should include title, affiliation, address, telephone number and e-mail address of presenters. Presentations should be limited to 20 minutes. Papers may be read (and abstracts submitted) in Spanish or English. Proposals for panels of 3 or 4 presenters on any topic related to Hispanic Literature will also be considered. Panels should include the title of each presentation and the above information for each participant. Graduate student proposals are encouraged.

9th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium & 8th Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese as First and Second Languages

Papers are invited on original and unpublished research on all aspects in the domains of theoretical linguistics, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics of Spanish, Portuguese or other Iberian languages. For the Acquisition Conference, all topics in the field of first, second, bilingual and impaired acquisition of Spanish, Portuguese or other Iberian languages (Catalan, Galician, etc.) will be fully considered, including: Acquisition of phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and the lexicon Acquisition of discourse and pragmatics Differences and similarities between L1, L2 and bilingual acquisition Normal and impaired acquisition Acquisition in language contact situations First and second language attrition and loss Acquisition in language contact situations First and second language attrition or loss Classroom second language acquisition For the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, all topics in linguistics will be fully considered, including: Syntax Morphology Phonology Semantics Discourse Pragmatics The joint meeting will be incorporated within a broader context of linguistic activity at The Pennsylvania State University, including the Workshop on Linguistic Convergence (November 10) and the Workshop on Language Processing (November 12). These workshops feature addresses by Manuel Carreiras (Universidad de la Laguna), James Emil Flege (University of Alabama), Antonella Sorace (University of Edinburgh). Submission Guidelines Abstract deadline: June 1, 2005. Abstracts must be at most one page long on a letter-size sheet (8''1/2 by 11'') with one-inch margins and typed in at least 11-point font. An optional second page is permitted for data and references. Abstracts must be anonymous. Submissions are limited to 1 individual and one joint abstract per author or two joint abstracts per author. Abstracts must be submitted as a PDF file. Electronic should be sent to the following e-mail address: Please use 'Hispanic Linguistics Abstract' or 'Hispanic Acquisition Abstract' in the Subject header as appropriate and include the information in (1) - (6), which should constitute the body of the message. Please make sure that all fonts are embedded. Author Information. 1. Name(s) of author(s) 2. Title of talk 3. Area of specialization 4. Affiliation(s) 5. E-mail address(es) 6. Postal address(es) Two scholarships in the amount of $500 each will be offered for students of Spanish-language heritage from outside The Pennsylvania State University community; information on applying for these scholarships will be available at the conference website. Participation by women, by underrepresented minorities, and by persons with disabilities is strongly encouraged.
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Plenary SpeakersManuel CarreirasJames Emil FlegeJose Ignacio HualdeAntonella SoraceAlmeida Jacqueline ToribioJuan UriagerekaOrganizing CommitteeBarbara E. BullockPaola DussiasChip GerfenJudith KrollJohn LipskiNuria SagarraAlmeida Jacqueline ToribioDan WeissFor More Information * About registrationKatie FriedenConferences and Institutes RegistrationThe Pennsylvania State UniversityBox 108State College PA 16804-0108Phone: +1 814 863 5100Fax: +1 814 863 5175E-mail:* About program contentAlmeida Jacqueline ToribioAssociate Professor of LinguisticsThe Pennsylvania State University211 Burrowes BuildingUniversity Park, Pennsylvania 16802-6203Phone: +1 814 865 1153E-mail:

37th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies

Materias de especialidad:
Papers dealing with mutual influences between historiography and literature, and examining the multifaceted linguistic contextualization of this reception in the multi-ethnic empires of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and the Maghreb are also welcome. Contributions are also sought that explore the dynamic of mutual influence in the use of imagery pertaining to al-Andalus and Sepharad among Jews in Eastern and Western Europe, as well as among Jews and non-Jews. We welcome papers which draw on historical, literary and ethnographic studies in their discussion of these multiple 'visions'. For further information: Michal Friedman, Columbia University. E-mail: Carsten Schapkow, Simon Dubnow Institute. E-mail: Michal Friedman Columbia University
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In his seminal essay, The Myth of Sephardic Supremacy (1989), Ismar Schorsch explored the place of Iberian-Sephardic culture and history in the imaginary of nineteenth-century German-Jewish intellectuals; he conceptualized this interest in the Sephardic past as a 'Sephardic Mystique'. Schorsch illustrates how German-speaking Jews interpreted Iberian-Sephardic culture as a process of (inter)cultural mediation from a core of Jewish culture into the non-Jewish culture. In this panel we widen the application of a 'Sephardic Mystique' beyond the exclusive province of intellectuals and historiographical debate, and beyond the confines of German-speaking Jewry, to embrace an exploration of the place of 'Sepharad' in the emergence and transformation of modern Jewish identities in multiple Jewish diasporic communities. Thus, in a departure from the dichotomies of 'East' and 'West' and 'European' and 'non-European', we illustrate the place of 'Sepharad' in Jewish communities, ranging from nineteenth-century Eastern Europe, Germany and North Africa, to twentieth-century Salonika, Spain and Latin America. We wish to examine how these divergent Jewish modern experiences shaped the ways both Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews conceptualized and made claims on Spain or 'Sepharad' as well as the place of 'Sepharad' in shaping these experiences. Moreover, we wish to illustrate how 'Sepharad' as a subject of historiography, memory, literature and political discourse, may have provided a forum for Jewish communities to engage in internal, as well as external dialogue and struggle with the broader non-Jewish societies, over questions of religious, political, and national identity. In the framework of the conference, a two-part panel will be organized dealing with different geographical spaces in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and with special interest in those regions that have to date been under-explored in studies of the reception of Ibero-Sephardic culture and history. Prospective papers might deal with the following topics, among others: - How were visions of Sepharad or Spain constructed in diverse places during the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? - To what extent did the Jewish reception and 'recovery' of Iberian-Sephardic culture and history intersect with discussion of Sephardic history by non-Jews? - How did Jewish scholars understand the Sephardic past and put it to use in understanding their present situations? How were visions of Sepharad transformed in the Jewish historiography and literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries?

Don Quijote: 1605-2005

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La sesión de comunicaciones titulada «Don Quijote and Its Critics» versará sobre la trayectoria de las interpretaciones que recibió la obra de Cervantes en las últimas décadas del siglo XX. Como ocurre con la recepción de todo clásico, la novela fue leída desde diversas perspectivas ideológicas por los cervantistas a medida que el mensaje se fue transformando en relación con los nuevos contextos históricos y literarios españoles y europeos de aquel siglo. A algunos aspectos de esta trayectoria interpretativa van dirigidos los trabajos de Javier Blasco, Isabel Lozano y José Montero Reguera.En la sesión dedicada a «Don Quijote and the Anglo-American World», tres destacados cervantistas, Anthony Close, de la Universidad de Cambridge, del Reino Unido, y Daniel Eisenberg, director de la revista norteamericana Cervantes, así como Howard Mancing, profesor de la Universidad de Purdue, hablarán sobre las lecturas del Quijote en el mundo anglohablante desde varias perspectivas que abarcan su canonización como obra clásica y la influencia ejercida sobre la literatura inglesa y norteamericana y la novela moderna en particular.La sesión titulada «Don Quijote and Literary Theory» se centrará en el diálogo entre teoría y práctica de la ficción tal como aparece representada o cuestionada en la novela, y en la relación que esta entabla con obras posteriores. Marina Brownlee, de la universidad de Princeton, Edward Friedman, de la universidad de Vanderbilt y James Parr, de la universidad de California de Riverside, se referirán así al impacto que las nuevas teorías literarias que se fueron sucediendo en las últimas décadas del siglo XX, tuvieron sobre la interpretación del Quijote en este país, hasta configurar visiones de la obra de Cervantes que son características del hispanismo norteamericano. Don Quijote: 1605-2005.An International ColloquiumThursday September 22, 2005Instituto Cervantes211 East 49th street6:00 p.m. : 'Don Quijote' and Its Critics.Moderator: Isaías Lerner, GC, CUNYJavier Blasco, Universidad de ValladolidIsabel Lozano, Dartmouth College: ''Con admiración o con risa. Sobre las lecturas del Quijote''.José Montero Reguera, Universidad de Vigo: ''Los trabajos cervantinos de Federico de Onís''.Friday, September 23, 2005Graduate Center, CUNY365 5th Avenue4:00 p.m.: 'Don Quijote' and the Anglo-American World.Moderator: Dominick Finello, Brooklyn College, CUNYAnthony Close, Cambridge University: ''Don Quijote and the theory of the modern novel''.Daniel Eisenberg, Editor, Cervantes: ''The man who made Don Quijote a classic: John Bowle''.Howard Mancing, Purdue University: ''The Quixotic novel in British and American literature''.6:00 p.m.: 'Don Quijote' and Literary TheoryModerator: William Childers, Brooklyn College, CUNYMarina Brownlee, Princeton University: ''Zoraida's white hand and Cervantes''.Edward Friedman, Indiana University: ''Cervantes, Unamuno and the theory of the novel''.James Parr, University of California, Riverside: ''Theory and practice in Don Quijote''.

38th Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association

Información adicional:
Deadline for abstracts: September 15, 2006.Please include with your abstract: Name and Affiliation / Email address / Postal address / Telephone number / A/V requirements.Panelists renew/join and register no later than Nov. 30, 2006 for the 2007 membership year or risk being dropped from the convention program. It need not be a NEMLA member in order to submit a paper for consideration and it may submit to more than one session.Spanish and portuguese panels:Comparative Literature: Literary Relations between Italy and the Hispanic World: From 1927- Present.And Then What Happened? Shaping the History of Post-Dictatorships.Autobiography in 20th Century Spanish Literature.Christian and Pre-Christian Myth in Spanish Contemporary Theater.El Cine Español Contemporáneo del Siglo XXI.Feminine Discourse in Early Modern Spain.Gender Violence in Spanish Literature.Globalization and Its Discontents in Contemporary Spanish Film.Hispanic and Latino Literature and Art of the East Coast.Identifying Acts: The Examination of Self & Others in Contemporary Spanish Theater.Latin American Societal Discourse.Latin American/Latino Cinema: (Re)presentations of Identity.Masculinities in Cuban and Puerto Rican Fiction.New Readings of Early Modern Spanish and Spanish-American Picaresque Narratives.Nuevos y viejos exilios: variaciones sobre un mismo motivo.Premios Nobel Españoles.Spanish Beyond the Classroom: Locally-Based Teaching?Spatial Metaphors and Writing in Latin American and Latino/a Works.Subversive Texts in Latin America.Synchronous and Asynchronous On-line Communication in the Foreign Language Classroom.Transatlantic Women's Voices in Modern and Contemporary Hispanic Theater.Violence in Spanish Peninsular Literature.

Al-Andalus: Cultural Diffusion and Hybridity in Iberia (1000-1600)

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An interdisciplinary conference on the culture, literature, language and history of the Iberian Peninsula.There will be 18 papers given in sessions organized around the invited lectures. Under the general theme of the conference ''Cultural Diffusion and Hybridity,'' the session topics will focus on:Iberia: Cultures in ContactSystems of Thought in IberiaReligious Representations in IberiaAl-Andalus, Sefarad, and BeyondLanguage and Social Interactions in IberiaHybridity and Appropriation in Visual and Literary Representations Proposals for session papers related to the above topics should be submitted by October 30, 2006, to the Organizing Committee, in the form of a detailed abstract (500 words or more) or full paper. Papers must be read in English. Send proposals to the committee care of: Professor Ivy CorfisDepartment of Spanish and Portuguese1018 Van Hise Hall1220 Linden DriveUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonMadison, WI 53706E-mail:

16th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture

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The Hispanic Symposium Society invites all interested graduate students, scholars and professionals to the Sixteenth Annual Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture, at the University of Arizona. The organizing committee will consider papers that explore all areas and periods of Hispanic, Luso-Brazilian and U.S. Hispanic literatures, culture, pedagogy, linguistics and literary theory. The committee will also consider requests for the formation of special sessions organized around a specific topic, author or work.Please submit an abstract of 300 words or less in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Abstracts must be submitted by December 30, 2005 and may be submitted via postal mail (to the address listed below) or through the web submission form (preferable). In addition, please send a check or money order for 20.00 USD. made payable to the Graduate Student Symposium.Reading time of final papers is limited to 20 minutes (8-10 double-spaced pages). No papers will be read in absentia. A selection of papers delivered will be considered for publication in the Annual Selected Proceedings.Sixteenth Annual Symposium Organizing CommitteeDepartment of Spanish and PortugueseModern Languages #545P.O. Box 210067University of ArizonaTucson, Arizona 85721-0067 For further information, please visit the website of the symposium. If you find that you still need more information, please do not hesitate to contact them at