Estados Unidos

Después de la teoría: el hispanismo en la encrucijada

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Topics:Compatibilities and incompatibilities: applications and divergences of feminisms, marxisms, psichoanalysis, queer theory, ecocriticism, myth criticism, and cultural studies (among many others) , as an object of study per se or in relation to Hispanic literary texts.Peninsularism and Latinamericanism: reconfigurations and redefinitions (transatlanticisms, new historicisms, post-colonialism and Imperium Studies, indigenisms, etc.)Traditional Hispanism vs. Cultural Studies: literary theory against literary history; the place of theory: from the resistance to theory to the application of theory.Mester de Cibervía: Hispanism, new technologies and information networks.The legacy of structuralism and poststructuralism. Re-readings, reductions and continuations of earlier schools and authors (formalism, New Criticism, stylistics and reception theories).The role of aesthetics in the multidisciplinary arena. The problem of discourse and the boundaries between the human sciences. The relationship between literary studies and the social sciences. The definition of literary studies.Hispanism and political struggle. The relationship between the Academy and Society, the proletariat and the 'cognitariat', isolation and/or compromise of the intellectual.Abstracts can be written in Spanish or English and should be 250-300 words in length and sent via email attachment to the address below. Please include author's name, academic affiliation, areas of interest and contact information in the message.Abstract submission deadline: November 30th 2007.Abstracts submissions, concerns and registration: graduate.aftertheory@gmail.comFurther information:Graduate StudentsHispanic Languages and Literature DepartmentSUNY at Stony Brook Stony Brook, New York 11794Phone: +1 631 632 6935Fax: +1 631 632 9724

Current Approaches to Spanish and Portuguese Second Language Phonology

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Contact:Rebeka Campos

III Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Hispanic / Latin American Literatures, Linguistics and Cultures

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Más información: Department of Romance Languages & Literatures University of Florida 170 Dauer Hall P.O. Box 117405 Gainesville, FL 32611-7405 Fax: +1 352 392 5679 Correo electrónico:
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Los organizadores del congreso invitan a enviar comunicaciones que versen sobre estudios hispánicos e hispanoamericanos, lingüísticos o literarios. Fecha límite para el envío de los resúmenes de las comunicaciones: 28 de agosto de 2007.

2008 Carolina Conference on Romance Literatures

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Further details: Carolina Conference on Romance Literatures University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Romance Languages CB# 3170, 238 Dey Hall Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3170 Phone: +1 919 962 9767 Fax: +1 919 962 5457 María del Carmen Caña Jiménez E-mail: canajime@email . unc . edu
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Deadline for the submission of abstracts and panel proposals is December 15, 2007. Papers and panels on all aspects of cultural production in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Italian will be considered. Comparative and interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged. Abstracts and panel proposals should not exceed 250 words. Panel proposals should include the theme of the panel, the organizer's name and contact information, and the names and affiliations of the presenters. When possible, all abstracts should be submitted by the panel organizer with the panel proposal.

Simposio Internacional «Teatro español clásico: hacia la tragedia»

Jason Sinclair Fowler: «El vulgo y la tragedia en Lope de Vega». Kerry Wilks: «El Caballero de Olmedo de Lope de Vega: Definiendo la tragedia española en los Estados Unidos». George Peale: «Estructuras profundas de la tragedia moderna en El caballero de Olmedo». Santiago Fernández Mosquera: «Las fiestas mitológicas de Calderón: entre el entremés y la tragedia». *** Juan Manuel Escudero: «Las marcas del mal gobernante en las tragedias de Calderón». Luciano García Lorenzo: «Versiones inéditas para ballet de tragedias calderonianas». Evangelina Rodríguez Cuadros: «La espantosa compostura: el canon de la tragedia del Siglo de Oro desde el actor». Melchora Ramos: «La reconversión de la tragedia en los dramas de la Antigüedad clásica de Rojas Zorrilla». Margaret Greer: «Perspectivas trágicas sobre la historia: La casa de David en el XVII». *** Nicolás M. Vivalda: «Basilio o el ocaso del monarca-astrólogo: juegos de la similitud en La vida es sueño». Christopher Weimer: «Tiresias y lo trágico en La hija del aire». Leonor Fernández: «En la vida en la tragedia del Siglo de Oro». David Hildner: «En la vida todo es verdad y todo mentira: ¿hacia la tragedia o hacia la farsa?». Verónica Ryjik: «El castigo no es la venganza: los traductores rusos ante la tragedia de Lope». Mercedes Carrión: «Mencia (in)visible: La tragedia de la violencia doméstica, entre vida y muerte, en El médico de su honra». Más información: Instituto Cervantes 31 W. Ohio Chicago, IL 60610 Teléfono: +1 312 335 1996 Fax: +1 312 587 1992 Correo electrónico: Dirección de Internet:
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PonenciasFlorence d'Artois: «Tragedia, tragicomedia, comedia: ¿El género como canon de composición y de lectura de las Partes de comedias?».Jane Albrecht: «Séneca, el estoicismo y la tragedia aurisecular».Ignacio López Alemany: «La configuración cortesana como destino trágico en Cristobal de Virués: el vituperio de Celabo en La gran Semiramis».Benjamin Torrico: «De sitios y sitiados: el subgénero bélico como nueva tragedia».Carmela Mattza: «De Hipólito a marcela; de lo divino a lo humano: la crueldad y la poética de lo trágico». ***Martha García (University of Central Florida): «El uso del orden y el desorden como técnica de expresión estética en La Numancia».Margarita Peña: «Alegoría, recursos escénicos e infortunio en La Numancia de Cervantes. Una resonancia americana».Daniel Lorca: «El Dueño de las Estrellas de Alarcón: ¿tragedia o comedia?». Alfredo Hermenegildo: «La presencia de la dinámica trágica en el teatro del siglo XVI».Enrique García Santo-Tomás: «Virués, nuestro contemporáneo».***María Reina Ruiz: «Historia, mito y realidad: la representación de lo trágico en el teatro de Rojas Zorrilla».John Parrack: «La desglosada de La Estrella de Sevilla: La muerte del autor y la construcción del texto».Jorge Abril Sánchez: «En torno al maquiavelismo político del Duque de Ferrara en El castigo sin venganza de Lope de Vega».Javier Lorenzo: «Chivo expiatorio, nación y comedia en La judía de Toledo / Las paces de los reyes de Lope de Vega».Frederick de Armas: «Adonis y Venus: Hacia la tragedia en Tiziano y Lope de Vega». ***Edward H. Friedman: «'Llanto sobra, y valor falta': La escritura de la tragedia en El castigo sin venganza de Lope de Vega'».

Congreso 2006 de la División de español de la Asociación Americana de Traductores (ATA)

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35th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest (LASSO 2006)

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Deadline for abstracts: June 1, 2006.Email 250-500 Word abstacts to Abstracts for papers or posters in any area of linguistics are welcome, although proposals on the theme are particularly encouraged, as are proposals dealing with language issues of special interest in the Southwest.Proposals for complete panels with 2-4 speakers are also welcome. Early submission of panel proposals is desirable. Presentation time for papers will be twenty minutes plus ten minutes for discussion.Abstracts may be in English or Spanish. Presentations should be given in the same language as the abstract. Only one abstract as single author and a second as co-author will be accepted from any one individual. Submissions by graduate students are welcome, and students are eligible for the Helmut Esau Prize, a $250 cash award.Abstracts should be 250-500 words, single-spaced in 11 point Times New Roman font. Abstracts should summarize the main points and indicate key aspects of the data and methodology. Use of special font items should be kept to a minimum. In general, omit the bibliography. At the conference, abstracts will be distributed as received.At the beginning of the abstract, write the title of the paper. At the end of the abstract, repeat the title and also list the author's name (if more than one author, list names in the order they should appear in the program), academic affiliation, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail.If the author will not be available at his/her usual address or e-mail during the summer, provide summer contact information in the cover e-mail. Also note whether any A-V equipment will be needed. Abstracts should be e-mailed to as a PDF, Microsoft Word, RTF, or text file attachment. Special font items travel best as a PDF. In addition to sending the abstract as an attachment, please paste the text of the abstract into the e-mail message itself. Authors without access to e-mail may mail a disk copy accompanied by a paper copy to LASSO VP Kati Pletsch de García, Texas A&M International University, 5201 University Blvd, Laredo, TX 78041.Authors will receive a reply notifying them that their abstracts are under consideration. If such notification has not been received within one week, the abstract did not reach its destination and should be resent. Authors will be notified by early July as to whether their papers have been accepted. Participation in LASSO is a privilege of membership; this means that an individual must be a current member in order to be listed in the conference program. For further conference information, contact

2nd Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Hispanic Literature, Linguistics and Culture

Materias de especialidad:
Further information. Department of Romance Languages and Literatures University of Florida 170 Dauer Hall P.O. Box 117405 Gainesville, FL 32611-7405 Phone: +1 352 392 2016 / 2017 Fax +1 352 392 5679 E-mail: Website:
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The conference welcomes papers in the fields of Latin American, Peninsular, and US Latino Literature, Linguistics and/or Cultures. Some suggested topics are, but are not limited to:Canon formationDisplacement and migrationReligious and other socio-cultural practicesIndigenous knowledgeLocal/Global identitiesTransnationalismSocial movementsCurrent trends in literary studies/criticismThe recovery of memoryLanguage teaching and technologyStandard language and dialectal varietiesElectronic and On-line dictionariesSpanish in contact with other languagesBilinguismLanguage and IdentityLanguage and genderCross language knowledgeMinority Language and globalization: language planning and policyPapers (in Spanish, English or Portuguese) should be 8 pages long (double space); i.e. no more than 20 minutes of reading. Participants must submit a one page abstract to by Aug 19, 2005.

West Virginia University 32nd Colloquium on Literature and Film

Materias de especialidad:
Further information: Ángel Tuninetti, Chair Department of Foreign Languages West Virginia University Chitwood Hall, PO Box 6298 Morgantown, West Virginia 26506 Teléfono: +1 304 293 5121 Fax: +1 304 293 7655 Correo electrónico:
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Topics:Historical Novels Writing Colonial History Comparative Perspectives on Historical Events Constructing the Present by Interpreting the Past Rereading History through New Eyes and Ideologies Cinematic Versions of Epics Dramatizing History HerStory: Re-Placing Women in History Literary and Cinematic Subversions of History Minority Writers and History Science Fiction and History History in Popular Culture History as Theater for the Present Literary Representations of Pre-History Theories of the Historical Novel Teaching History through Film Historical Novels into Film Historical Events Across Genres Cross-Cultural Readings of the Past Literature and Cinema: Filling the Silences of HistoryDeadline for proposals for papers or panels: May 15, 2008.

Symposium of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Linguistics and Visual Culture

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The Georgetown University graduate students in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese invite all interested graduate students to the second annual Graduate Portuguese and Hispanic Symposium (GRAPHSY).The organizing committee will consider papers related to Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies, as well as requests for the formation of special sessions organized around a specific topic, author or work. These sessions are limited to three papers.Papers may examine the conference topic from a variety of perspectives, including linguistic, social, psychological, cultural, theoretical, political, ideological, and/or artistic. Possible panel topics and papers might include, but are not limited to:Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature and Cultural Studies.Trans-Atlantic voyages, pilgrimages, and shipwrecks.National and post-national utopias. (Mis)representations in performance and visual culture.North/ South Dialogues: US Latino Studies.Intertextuality and tales of exchange.Migrations, exile, and new frontiers and spaces.With(in) and beyond the body: gender identities and politics.Ethnographic writing.Representations of violence.Politics of the memory: trauma and turmoil.Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Linguistics.Language(s) of exclusion: social hierarchies and languages.Innovative research methodologies in second language acquisition (SLA ).Language learning context.Language acquisition (first, second, and subsequent).Language and cognition.Language contact: Bilingualism in Latin America, the Peninsula , and the US.Code-switching and division of private and public spheres.Language policies, practices, and political systems.Endangered languages: Interaction with the dominant faction.Language revival.Theoretical Approaches in Linguistics (Syntax, Phonology, Semantics, Pragmatics).Please submit by July 1st, 2006 two separate 250-word abstracts in Portuguese, English or Spanish. They only accept electronic submissions to 1. On one abstract, please include the title of proposed paper, name, academic affiliation, current address, telephone, and e-mail address of each presenter. 2. The second abstract should be anonymous.The paper presentation is limited to 20 minutes (8-10 double-spaced pages).Registration:General registration fee for all presenters is $40 (late or on-site official attendance registration is $50). This fee includes the cost of all food and beverages provided only to conference participants. The keynote speaker(s) will be announced shortly.