Estados Unidos

4th Annual ucLADINO Symposium: Documenting Judeo-Spanish

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Documentation topics may include, but are not limited to:- Synchronic and/or diachronic change - Language ideologies- Judeo-Spanish periodical literature - Cultural identity, assimilation, or acculturation - Sephardic authors and their writings - Documentation for preservation and educationAbstract should be between 150-200 words, in addition to selected references. Abstracts must be submitted through Easy Abstracts: [://]Plazo de envío de propuestas: hasta el 17 de diciembre de 2014Notificación de contribuciones aceptadas: 30 de diciembre de 2014

Special Medieval Hispanic Sessiones-Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Panel proposals of 5 presentations should be submitted as follows: The panel organizer should electronically submit a panel proposal. The panel proposal cannot exceed one page in length and should include the theme of the panel, the organizer's name and contact information, and the names, contact information and affiliations of the panel participants. Each participant MUST submit an individual abstract using our online system in addition to the panel proposal. Please indicate that your presentation is part of a pre-organized panel and list the title and organizer of the panel in the abstract. Papers may be read in English or Spanish. Acceptance of a paper or complete panel implies a commitment on the part of all participants to register and attend the conference. All presenters must pay the appropriate registration fee by February 15, 2014 to be included in the program. Deadline for Abstract Submission: November 7, 2013, Contact: Emily Francomano (
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The KFLC and La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures & Cultures will organize sessions devoted to the presentation of scholarly research in the area of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures and Cultures. The sessions will be devoted to Hispanomedievalism in its broadest sense, particularly scholarship that transcends the linguistic and/or cultural borders of Spanish and explores the interconnectedness of those languages and cultures that coexisted in medieval Iberia.Sessions are 20 minutes followed by a 10-minute question & answer session. In addition to individual abstracts for paper presentations, proposals for panels of 5 papers will be considered. Be sure to include the heading Special Medieval Hispanic Sessiones at the beginning of the abstract if you would like it to be included in the special medieval sessions organized by the La corónica editors, Professors Jonathan Burgoyne and Emily Francomano.Individually submitted abstracts should be no more than 250 words.

XXXII Annual Conference of the Illinois Medieval Association. «Medieval Narratives»

Materias de especialidad:
Deadline: November 21, 2014 Questions are welcomed at:
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We invite proposals dealing with any aspect of medieval narratives. The practice of telling stories is not universal or transparent, and is highly dependent on the medium of transmission and on changing understandings of temporality. What strategies did medieval historians, artists, and storytellers employ to tell narratives? Does storytelling in the Middle Ages always unfold in a linear fashion? How do medievalists today theorize medieval narratives both historically and in the light of new approaches to narrative that are derived from postmedieval technologies (print, film, digital culture)? What different purposes are accomplished by the (re)telling of narratives? We invite papers from medievalists in all disciplines that consider these and/or other questions related to the representation of narratives in texts and art, including chronicles, historical, legal, scientific, and theological documents, imaginative fiction, and manuscript illuminations. Preference is given to submissions closely related to the conference theme, but abstracts on any aspect of medieval studies are welcomed. Proceedings will be published in Essays in Medieval Studies.Proposals for whole sessions as well as individual papers are welcome. Three-paper sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes, including 20 minutes for each paper and time for discussion. Visit our website for more information, including registration information. [://]

Texas Medieval Association Conference. «Shared Cultures»

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We are pleased to announce that the 2015 Texas Medieval Association conference with the theme of Shared Cultures will be held at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas, October 16-18, 2015.Abstract: Much of our scholarly activity is centered on identifying and describing the margins, those aspects that make a particular event, community, or place different from rest. This approach presumes that the scholarship already has a full understanding of what is normal, typical, or customary in those communities or places. Rather than focusing on the marginalia and the distinct, this conference strives to understand the common, ordinary, and shared spaces.Sub-topics may include but are not limited to:-Urban and rural borderlands such as Toledo, Avignon, Burgos, Rome, Venice, Perugia, Paris, London etc…-Christian Borderlands:-Geographical, Literary, Christian vs. Christian, Christian vs. Jews, Christian vs. Muslim-Slavery-The Medieval Southwest-GenderPlease send abstracts and proposals to: Dr. Yasmine Deadline: September 10, 2015.

Congreso Internacional de Literatura Hispana

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This year, the symposium will concentrate exclusively on Spanish-born author Miguel de Cervantes and his magnum opus: El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, one of the most influential and well-known works to be produced during El Siglo de Oro (The Golden Age) in Spain. This work has captivated the imaginations of countless artists, writers, and filmmakers with the exploits of its idealist hero Don Quixote and his trusty companion, Sancho Panza. From Salman Rushdie's novel The Moor's Last Sigh to Salvador Dalí's sculpture Don Quixote to Mitch Leigh's Broadway musical Man of La Mancha, Cervantes' work has influenced all areas of the arts and humanities and continues to do so today.Spaces are limited. Please, submit your title and 100-word abstracts electronically and as soon as possible (deadline: February, 20th, 2015) to:

V Congreso Esletra: «El español, lengua de traducción»

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Temas:-La traducción en los organismos internacionales y el papel del traductor ante la opción de un español neutro (y en cierto modo «neutralizado») frente al reconocimiento adecuado de la variedad y multipolaridad del español como lengua internacional.-La búsqueda de una relación más directa entre el español y otras lenguas y culturas, tales como el chino, el ruso o el árabe para quebrar la hegemonía del inglés como mediador universal, con las implicaciones lingüísticas, culturales y económicas que ello conlleva.-La importancia de la traducción como agente evolutivo de la lengua española “especializada”, y la responsabilidad de los traductores científico-técnicos en ese proceso.

Annual MAP (Medieval Association of the Pacific) Conference

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MAP is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for its annual conference hosted by the University of Nevada-Reno in Reno, NV, April 10-11, 2015. The program committee invites proposals for individual 20-minute papers as well as organized sessions of three 20-minute papers. We welcome papers and panels that explore any topic related to the study and teaching of the Middle Ages, especially those that connect to the conference theme, broadly conceived. All speakers must be fully-paid («active») members of MAP in order to register for the conference and participate.Proposals need to include the following for each speaker:1. Name of Speaker2. University Affiliation3. Are you a faculty member, graduate student, or independent scholar?4. Your contact email5. Paper Title6. Paper Proposal (up to 250 words)Submissions due Oct 15, 2014, via email attachment and send to:MAP2015secretary@gmail.comContact email:

The Midwest Modern Language Association Conference: «The Lives of Cities»

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The deadline for all individual paper proposals, as well as for proposals for complete panels that are not directly tied to the conference theme, is May 15th. Individual and panel proposals should be submitted directly to the MMLA office via email ( Once accepted, individual papers will be organized into sessions. Panel proposals should be submitted as a unit, including paper titles and abstracts, as well as title, affiliation, and full contact information for all participants, clearly identifying the panel chair.Proposals for Special Sessions that focus on the conference theme in some way are also welcome. These do not require identification of a full slate of papers but instead, if accepted, assume that the session organizer will serve as panel chair (who may also give a paper). Accepted Special Session calls will be posted on the MMLA website and will require that the organizer receive proposals directly and vet them to build the full panel. Special Session proposals are due May 15th via email ( para envío de propuestas hasta el 15 de mayo de 2014

IV Simposio Internacional sobre Ideología, Política y Reivindicaciones en Lengua, Literatura y Cine en Español.

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En este simposio, que se llevará a cabo en la modalidad en línea, quiere pasar revista a los cambios ideológicos y de conocimiento de los siglos XIX, XX y XXI y a cómo se plasman en la lengua, la literatura y el cine español y latinoamericano. Quienes deseen participar deben enviar un enlace a una presentación en vídeo o un power point o prezi con sonido y/o vídeo. Dichos enlaces estarán en la web del simposio y habrá un foro y chat para participar durante los días del simposio.Contacto:Dra. Teresa Fernández UlloaCorreo e.: