Cuadernos de ALDEEU, número 33 (2019)

'Cuadernos de ALDEEU', revista de la Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en Estados Unidos, presenta en este número el especial «Service-learning and Spanish for specific purposes in U.S. higher education» con, entre otros, los siguientes artículos:

- A significant learning approach to WLSP and its impact on student perceptions of the field and its definition, Diana Ruggiero
- Linguistic and social affordances in the translation and interpretation course via service-learning, C. Cecilia Tocaimaza-Hatch
- Using community service learning in the Spanish translation classroom: Challenges and opportunities, Gregory L. Thompson and Daryl Hague
- Experiential learning in court interpreting education: A pilot internship in New York City courts, Aída Martínez-Gómez
- Seemingly simple: Numbers and the language gaps students bring to community organizations, Annie Abbott
- Boosting intercultural competence in Spanish for social service professionals through service-learning, Francisco Salgado-Robles and Lee Kirven
- Service learning in a Spanish for teachers’ course: Providing context for specialized language and content learning. Megan Solon
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