Congreso Internacional Léxico y contacto de lenguas en los Andes

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El encuentro dará cabida al examen de las relaciones entre lengua y sociedad vistas desde el prisma del léxico; al análisis de los sutiles procesos semánticos que han atravesado ítems o campos léxicos en una situación de contacto, sin dejar de lado el entorno cultural ni los factores pragmáticos, textuales y funcionales que condicionan su ocurrencia y les dan un perfil particular, así como a la indagación etimológica, tomando en cuenta la historia común de contactos prolongados, superposiciones y desplazamientos que comparten el quechua, el aimara y otras lenguas andinas, tanto entre sí como con el castellano. Son de nuestro interés, también, la reflexión sobre aspectos teóricos y metodológicos de la lexicografía andina, así como los estudios que examinen los factores ideológicos presentes en su desarrollo. Los avances en el examen lexicográfico, referidos tanto a los vocabularios coloniales y republicanos como a los contemporáneos, ocuparán también nuestra atención.Estamos abiertos, asimismo, a la reflexión que se proyecte hacia otros ámbitos hispanoamericanos, sobre todo aquella que atienda a espacios en los que el castellano y las lenguas indígenas americanas han interactuado históricamente. Tendrán lugar aquí perspectivas comparativas respecto del área andina y enfoques teóricos o metodológicos que puedan dar luces sobre problemas más

International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC7-UCCTS3)

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Invited speakers:Volker Gast (Jena)Giannoula Giannoulopoulou (Athens)Sylviane Granger (Louvain-la-Neuve)Anna Mauranen (Helsinki)Sandra Halverson (Bergen)Issues:The aims, objectives and scope of contrastive linguistics; its relationship with neighbouring disciplines such as historical, typological, micro-variationist, intercultural and contact linguistics.The aims, objectives and scope of corpus-based translation studies, in particular the ongoing debate about so-called translation universals: criticism and explanation (regarding e.g. the role of 'risk aversion'), the 'dominance' of the source language, interaction between universals (e.g. explicitation v. normalisation), effects of genre and other external variables.Corpus-based interpreting research and its relationship with translation researchThe role of theoretical frameworks; comparability, incommensurability and the tertium comparationis; the necessity and significance of the 'socio-cultural link'Types, uses and mutual limitations of corpus data; the benefits of combining parallel and comparable corpora and their methodological relationship; the benefits of combining different methodologies, including multivariate statistics, distinctive collexeme analysis, etc.; the need to account for convergences as well as divergencesThe significance of the contrastive perspective for language-specific description on the one hand and general interface issues on the other (e.g. syntax/morphology, syntax/pragmatics)Contrasts between languages at the levels of text, register, discourse, and information structureThe effect of the source language or of particular language pairs on translation and how to factor it into quantificational

The Future of Education (FOE)

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The fourth edition of The Future of Education aims at promoting transnational cooperation and sharing good practice in the field of innovation for Education.The conference is an excellent opportunity to present past and current educational projects. The Call for Papers, within the Future of Education Conference, is addressed to teachers, researchers and experts in the field of education as well as to coordinators of education and training projects. Experts in the field of teaching and learning are therefore invited to submit an abstract of a paper to be presented during the Future of Education International Conference. The abstract needs to be written in English (between 1000 and 3000 characters, space included) and submitted no later than 20 January 2014. In order to submit an abstract it is necessary to register to the Conference’s website ( Important dates- 20 January 2014: Deadline for submitting abstracts- 10 February 2014: Notification of Acceptance / Rejection- 24 March 2014: Deadline for final submission of papers and speaker registration- 12-13 June 2014: Dates of the conferenceContact: Mattia Cataldi (

Congreso Internacional. «De parces y troncos: nuevos enfoques sobre los argots hispánicos»

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Comité científico y organizador: Grupo de Investigación en Mediación LingüísticaNeus VilaRosa MateuMonserrat CasanovasLirian Astrid CiroKaterina ValentováSecretaría: Gene TorralbaContacto: lc1@alumnes.udl.catVer programa:congreso_argots.pdf

International Congress of Linguistics

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2013, which falls exactly one hundred years after the death of Ferdinand de Saussure, affords a unique opportunity to look forward to the future of linguistics.The anniversary of Ferdinand de Saussure’s death will also be the opportunity to look back on the history of linguistics, particularly as concern the Saussure-Chomsky connection.Main topic:The language-cognition interfaceThe program of the Congress includes:- 8 Plenary sessions attributed to keynote speakers: 75 minutes of lecture, followed by a discussion. - 10 sections, each animated by a section organizer: each section is constituted by one of the subdisciplines of linguistics. The section organizer provides a state of the art report, selects the communications, with the help of an ad hoc committee. Each lecture should last 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. - 3 poster sessions, about an hour each. - 31 workshops: each workshop organizer is free to choose his subject and his own modus operandi. Contact:19icl(at)unige(dot)ch

I Congreso Internacional sobre la Enseñanza de la Gramática

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Contacto: María José García Folgado (Universitat de valència) Correo Plazo de envío de propuestas: hasta el 15 de octubre de 2013 Notificación de contribuciones aceptadas: 20 de diciembre de 2013
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El congreso está pensado para brindar un espacio de presentación y discusión a investigaciones actuales e innovadoras en todas las áreas vinculadas con la enseñanza de la gramática, tanto en lenguas primeras como segundas y extranjeras, y desde un enfoque sincrónico o diacrónico.Temas del Congreso- La enseñanza de la gramática y el uso lingüístico- La enseñanza de la gramática y las teorías lingüísticas- Aspectos históricos de la enseñanza de la gramática- Nuevas orientaciones en la enseñanza de la gramática

Third International Conference on Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG2014)

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All sessions at the conference will be plenary so as to enhance discussion between participants. A poster session will be part of the programme. The language of the conference will be English.FDG2014 will take place in Spain, in the city of Jaén, located in Andalucía. The conference will be hosted by the University of Jaén at their main campus, the Campus de Las Lagunillas, which is located to the north of the city. Jaén is a small city for Spanish standards (120.000 inhabitants) and is beautifully located. Details on travel and accommodation will be published in the near future at abstract should contain at least the following items: a clearly defined and well-motivated research question; the crucial examples illustrating the relevance of the research question; and the main conclusions of the paper. Abstracts should be approximately 1,000 words long, i.e. roughly 3 pages, and should not contain the name of the author. References to literature cited should be provided in addition to the 1,000 words. References containing the name of the author may also be given but will be suppressed before the abstract is sent to the programme committee. Please indicate in the accompanying message whether you want to present a paper or a poster. The deadline for the submission of abstracts for papers and posters is February 15, 2014. Abstracts should be submitted electronically to: Salazar Garcí

V Congreso de Léxico Español Actual (LEA)

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Programa-Oscar Loureda Lamas, Universidad de Heidelberg, Problemas de lexicología del español: las partículas discursivas-Juan Villena Ponsoda, Universidad de Málaga, La convergencia léxica en el español de Málaga-Agustín Vera Luján, UNED, Cortarse el pelo: las metáforas en la interfaz léxico-sintaxis en español-Antonio Briz Gómez, Universidad de Valencia, Un diccionario de partículas discursivas en español-Humberto Hernández Hernández, Universidad de La Laguna, Cuestiones de lexicología perceptiva sobre el diccionario y sus usuarios-Manuel Alvar Ezquerra Universidad Complutense Madrid, Si las palabras hablaran...Comité científico:Luis Luque Toro, Universidad Ca'FoscariJuan de Dios Luque Durán , Universidad de GranadaJosé Francisco Medina Montero, Universidad de TriesteWiaczeslaw Nowikow, Universidad de LodzCandida Muñoz Medrano, Universidad de CataniaComité organizadorLuis Luque Toro, Universidad Ca'Foscari VeneciaJosé Francisco Medina Montero, Universidad de TriesteContacto: Luis Luque ToroCorreo e.: