Symposium of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Linguistics and Visual Culture
The Georgetown University graduate students in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese invite all interested graduate students to the second annual Graduate Portuguese and Hispanic Symposium (GRAPHSY).The organizing committee will consider papers related to Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies, as well as requests for the formation of special sessions organized around a specific topic, author or work. These sessions are limited to three papers.Papers may examine the conference topic from a variety of perspectives, including linguistic, social, psychological, cultural, theoretical, political, ideological, and/or artistic. Possible panel topics and papers might include, but are not limited to:Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature and Cultural Studies.Trans-Atlantic voyages, pilgrimages, and shipwrecks.National and post-national utopias. (Mis)representations in performance and visual culture.North/ South Dialogues: US Latino Studies.Intertextuality and tales of exchange.Migrations, exile, and new frontiers and spaces.With(in) and beyond the body: gender identities and politics.Ethnographic writing.Representations of violence.Politics of the memory: trauma and turmoil.Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Linguistics.Language(s) of exclusion: social hierarchies and languages.Innovative research methodologies in second language acquisition (SLA ).Language learning context.Language acquisition (first, second, and subsequent).Language and cognition.Language contact: Bilingualism in Latin America, the Peninsula , and the US.Code-switching and division of private and public spheres.Language policies, practices, and political systems.Endangered languages: Interaction with the dominant faction.Language revival.Theoretical Approaches in Linguistics (Syntax, Phonology, Semantics, Pragmatics).Please submit by July 1st, 2006 two separate 250-word abstracts in Portuguese, English or Spanish. They only accept electronic submissions to 1. On one abstract, please include the title of proposed paper, name, academic affiliation, current address, telephone, and e-mail address of each presenter. 2. The second abstract should be anonymous.The paper presentation is limited to 20 minutes (8-10 double-spaced pages).Registration:General registration fee for all presenters is $40 (late or on-site official attendance registration is $50). This fee includes the cost of all food and beverages provided only to conference participants. The keynote speaker(s) will be announced shortly.