XV Forum for Iberian Studies. National Identities at the Intersection: Literature and Visual Media
Abstracts of 200-250 words in English and/or any other Iberian language should be sent by March 2nd 2012 to: fis@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk (re: Iberian Forum) including name, academic affiliation and title of paper. Please, use this email address if you have any questions.We invite contributions of 20-minute presentations about, although not limited to, the following topics:- The effects of immigration as reflected in literature and/or cinema- Media and cultural identity- Contemporary literature and cultural identity in peninsular languages- Traditional views of culture and their interaction of new social realities- Film-making in any of the Iberian languages- Film adaptations of literary works- References to cinema in literary works- Cinema and new technologies- Collaborative documentariesFaculty of Medieval & Modern LanguagesTaylor Institution41 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JFTel: +44(0)1865 270750 Fax: +44(0)1865 270757www.mod-langs.ox.ac.uk