Speaking in a foreign language: psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives

We welcome contributions related to the theme of the conference in the form of papers (20 minutes + 10 minutes for discussion), workshops (60 minutes) and posters which could, among other things, focus on the following areas: -Psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic aspects of speech production -The role of grammar and lexis in developing speaking skills -The place of phonetics and phonology in developing speaking skills -Pronunciation instruction in a second or foreign language -The pragmatic dimension of developing speaking skills -Interaction in the foreign language classroom -Techniques, methods and resources used in developing speaking skills. -Communication tasks and the development of speaking skills -Using computer technology in learning and teaching speaking in a foreign language -The role of communication strategies in speaking in a foreign language -Learning strategies and the development of speaking skills -Assessing speaking skills in a foreign language -Methodology of research on learning and teaching speaking in a foreign language. Abstracts of papers, workshops or posters in the range of 200-300 words should be submitted by e-mail to speaking2013 @gmail.com by March 10th, 2013. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by April 7th, 2013.
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The conference will be devoted to various aspects of developing speaking skills in the foreign language classroom, as viewed from both a psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic perspective. It will be organized by the Institute of Modern Languages, State School of Higher Professional Education, Konin, Poland, and the Department of English Studies, Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts, Adam Mickiewicz University, Kalisz, Poland. The languages of the conference will be English and Polish, with all the plenary talks given in the former. Organizers:Mirosław Pawlak (pawlakmi@ amu.edu.pl)Ewa Waniek-Klimczak (ewaklim@ uni.lodz.pl) Contact: speaking2013@ gmail.com
