Sociolinguistic Studies / Estudios de Sociolingüística, volumen 12, número 2 (2018)

'Estudios de Sociolingüística' de la Universidad de Vigo (España) presenta en este número el monográfico «Arabic between tradition. globalization and superdiversity» con, entre otros, los siguientes artículos.

- Arabic between tradition and globalization. An introduction, Jan Jaap de Ruiter, Karima Ziamari
- Agreement patterns in Omani Arabic: Sociolinguistic conditioning and diachronic development, Simone Bettega
- Levelling in progress: A case study of young people speaking Moroccan Arabic in Zaragoza, Spain, Montserrat Benítez Fernández
- Arabic kinship terms revisited: The rural and urban context of North-Western Morocco, Amina Naciri-Azzouz
- Juba Arabic (Arabi Juba): A ‘less indigenous’ language of South Sudan, Stefano Manfredi, Mauro Tosco
- Globalization in the periphery: Arabization and the changing status of Siwi Berber in the oasis of Siwa, Valentina Serreli
- The stance of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco towards the sociolinguistic context of the country following the 2011 Constitution, Laura Gago Gómez.
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