Lesser Used Languages and Computer Linguistics (LULCL II)

Información adicional:

Areas of Interest:Lesser used / minority languagesLanguage varietiesSign languagesLearner languagesSpoken languageTopics:CorporaLexicographic resourcesTerminological resourcesComputer assisted language teaching and learningTools and resources for translationLanguage toolsMultimedia and internetRepresentation and access of non-written languageImpact of computational approaches to support/strengthen a languageTransferability of approaches developed for major world languagesFor further details: Institute for Specialised Communication and MultilingualismEuropean Academy Bozen/BolzanoViale Druso 1, 39100 BolzanoTel: +39 0471 055127Fax: +39 0471 055199Email: communication.multilingualism@eurac.edu
