II Congreso Internacional. «La fábula en la Edad Media. El siglo XIV»

Líneas de trabajo -Trabajos que versen sobre cualquiera de las fábulas de las que existe una versión en el siglo XIV -La poética de la fábula en una obra determinada del siglo XIV -Trabajos de tipo comparatista entre diversas versiones de una fábula o entre fábulas similares -Fábulas en la literatura oral y tradicional -Definición del género fabulístico. Límites con los cuentos de animales, los bestiarios, las obras proverbiales… -La fábula en la enseñanza -La fábula como literatura infantil y como género didáctico -Animales de fábula en el arte
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La convocatoria está dirigida a académicos y expertos en el estudio de los géneros literarios, la historia de la literatura, la transmisión textual, la traducción y adaptación de textos, el análisis literario, el arte y las distintas filologías.Las propuestas se acompañarán de un breve currículo y del resumen de la comunicación en un máximo de 200 caracteres y se remitirán a la sede del Congreso antes del 15 de mayo.

IV Congreso Internacional Jóvenes Investigadores Siglo de Oro

Materias de especialidad:
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Plazo de matrícula: hasta el 15 de julio de 2014.Contacto:Carlos Mata InduráinCorreo e.: cmatain@unav.es

Vices et Vertus dans la Romanité Médiévale (XIIIème-XVème Siècle)

Materias de especialidad:
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Cette journée d'étude se propose de compléter et d'approfondir la connaissance du discours médiéval sur les vices et les vertus, qui constitue alors, dans ses multiples facettes – religieuse, politique, philosophique, littéraire – l'un des principaux aspects du discours moral : quelles sont la conception et la définition de chaque vice et de chaque vertu? De quelles théorisations les deux systèmes septénaires font-ils l'objet et quels reflets en offrent la littérature, les arts, les traités politiques, les chroniques? Quels vices et quelles vertus sont attribués en propre aux diverses fonctions et catégories sociales (le roi, le chevalier, le moine...)? Quels préceptes sont formulés pour éviter les premiers et cultiver les secondes?

Congreso Internacional. «La transmisión de la obra de Quevedo: edición, recepción, traducción»

Información adicional:
Programa9:00 Inauguración CongresoSESIÓN 1 – TraducciónCoordina: Antonio Gargano (Università di Napoli Federico II)9:30 LIA SCHWARTZ (The Graduate Center of CUNY). Dos traducciones de textos filosóficos griegos de Quevedo: Epicteto y Phocílides en español con consonantes10:00 MARÍA JOSÉ ALONSO VELOSO (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela). La recepción europea del Marco Bruto de Quevedo: traducciones hasta el siglo XVIIISESIÓN 2 – TraducciónCoordina: Maria D’Agostino (Università di Napoli Suor Orsola Benincasa)11:00 JOSÉ ENRIQUE DUARTE (Universidad de Navarra) En torno a una traducción inglesa del Buscón, The Pleasant Story of Paul of Segovia, 168311:30 BEATRICE GARZELLI (Università per Stranieri di Siena). Los mecanismos de traducción al italiano de la sátira breve de Quevedo. Pérdidas y compensaciones en las Cartas del caballero de la TenazaJUEVES, 17 DE OCTUBREUNIVERSITÀ DI NAPOLI FEDERICO II, AULA PESSINA12:00 FEDERICA CAPPELLI (Università di Pisa). En torno a las primeras traducciones italianas de los Sueños (la versión de Pazzaglia)TARDESESIÓN 3 – EdiciónCoordina: Encarnación Sánchez García (Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”)15:00 ALFONSO REY ÁLVAREZ (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela). Quevedo: un curso de crítica textual15:30 LAURA RODRÍGUEZ FERNÁNDEZ (Università di Napoli «L’Orientale»). Editar un autógrafo de Quevedo. El manuscrito napolitano de las silvas (BNN: Ms. XIV E 46)SESIÓN 4 – Recepción áurea: teatroCoordina: Alfonso Rey Álvarez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) 17:00 MARCELLA TRAMBAIOLI (Università del Piemonte Orientale). Quevedo, Lope y la «mujer fea»17:30 HÉCTOR BRIOSO (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares). «Atrevíme a una comedia..»: el tópico del mal autor teatral desde El Buscón de Quevedo hasta Moreto y Calderón.

Second Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Saint Louis University

Here is a list of the IMANA sessions and their organizers for 2014: 1.The Matter of Troy in Medieval Iberia (Erik Ekman: erik.ekman@okstate.edu) 2. Millennialism and Messianism in Medieval Iberia (Linde Brocato: lmbrcato@memphis.edu) 3.Expanding the Canon: Lesser Known Texts of Medieval Iberia. (Nancy Marino: marinon@msu.edu) 4.Fifteenth Century Topics in Medieval Iberia (Roxana Recio:roxrecio@creighton.edu) 5.Open Topics: After the Legacy of Francisco Márquez Villanueva (Roxana Recio: roxrecio@creighton.edu and Ana Montero: monteroa@slu.edu) The Symposium is open to proposals for papers, sessions, and roundtables on all topics and in all disciplines of medieval and early modern studies. For further information, please check http://smrs.slu.edu/ Nancy F. Marino University Distinguished Professor Romance and Classical Studies Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824-1112 marinon@msu.edu Ana M Montero Associate Professor of Spanish Department of Modern & Classical Languages and Literatures Saint Louis University Ritter Hall 301 St Louis, MO 63103-2007 monteroa@slu.edu
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Call for papersThe Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies provides a convenient summer venue in North America for scholars in all disciplines to present papers, organize sessions, participate in roundtables, and engage in interdisciplinary discussion. The goal of the symposium is to promote serious scholarly investigation on all topics and in all disciplines of the medieval and early modern worlds.The Iberomedieval Association of North America (IMANA) will sponsor five sessions at the Symposium next June. If you'd like to submit an abstract for one of these sessions, please submit a proposal on the website link [://smrs.slu.edu/cfp] or submit it directly to the session organizer. Deadline for submission of paper proposals is December 31, 2013.

La recepció dels trobadors a Catalunya

Materias de especialidad:
Información adicional:
Per assistir a les sessions del col·loqui us heu d’inscriure prèviament a ilcc@udg.edu. La quota d’inscripció és de 45 € (30 € per a estudiants).

CAA 102nd Annual Conference. «Memorials for Merchants: The Funerary Culture of Late Medieval Europe's New Elite»

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During the late Middle Ages, the rise of urban centers and long-distance trade brought the emergence of wealthy mercantile elites who spent lavishly on funerary monuments. In contrast to royal and aristocratic tombs, these monuments have received comparatively little attention from scholars outside the Italian context. In order to reach a more thorough understanding of this increasingly influential strata of late medieval society, this session seeks papers exploring the role mercantile mentalities and practices played in shaping artistic patronage and reception of tombs. How did merchants construct memory and identity through the medium of the tomb? What role did fraternities and trade networks play in shaping iconographic choices? In what ways did their access to foreign art markets position merchants as conduits for new artistic forms and media? How were existing aristocratic and royal traditions of funerary art appropriated and adapted to meet the needs of the merchant class? Please submit a 1-2 page (double-spaced) abstract with paper title by May 6, 2013. Abstracts should be emailed to Vanessa Crosby and Emily Kelley. Email: vanessacrosby2013@u.northwestern.edu and edkelley@svsu.eduAbstracts should be accompanied by a CV (indicate summer contact information if applicable) and a letter indicating speaker's interest in and expertise in the topic. Please also include CAA membership status and member number if applicable. Emily Kelley, Ph.D.Assistant Professor of Art HistoryArbury 151Art DepartmentSaginaw Valley State University7400 Bay Rd. University Center, MI 48170

36th Conference Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS)

Other suggestions are welcome, and Panels can be more specifically oriented within these broad areas. Papers will be allocated a maximum of 30 minutes on the programme (i.e. approx 20 minutes for the paper and 10 minutes for discussion and debate). We will shortly be announcing the keynote speakers for the conference on our ACIS website. Keynote speakers in previous years have included novelist Use Lahoz, journalist and writer Elvira Lindo, historian and diplomat Professor Angel Viñas and the Association’s President, historian Professor Paul Preston. Informal enquiries concerning papers and topics are welcome before the deadlines. Details concerning conference registration will be made available in due course on the ACIS website www.iberianstudies.net. Please visit this site for further information about the Association. Contacto: University of East Anglia - School of Language and Communication Studies: c.de-pablos@uea.ac.uk Plazo de envío de propuestas: hasta el 21 de marzo de 2014
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You are cordially invited to offer a paper, panel, or workshop presentation. Proposals for panels of four papers maximum are also invited on specific themes in addition to individual presentations. Any proposed panel should be organised by one convenor who will be responsible for inviting the speakers and chairing the session. You are also invited to suggest any speakers who you think would be willing to offer a paper, bearing in mind, however, that ACIS does not normally offer a fee or expenses for speakers.The choice of all panels and papers will be made by the Conference programme organisers in consultation with the Executive Committee.Below are the suggested thematic areas for papers and panels, which must advance understanding of contemporary socio-cultural, economic and political issues and realities and relate primarily to Spain and Portugal. Both single-disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives are encouraged and the themes listed below are not exclusive.- Politics, Government, International Relations, the EU, Nationalism, Regionalisms- Economics, Business, Labour, Social and Welfare issues- Cultural production in all its forms (e.g. film, television, journalism, literature, media, advertising, digital communication & social networking)- Social and Cultural Studies (e.g. identity, gender, ethnicity, popular culture)- Leisure, Tourism, Sport- Contemporary history- Language, Linguistics, Language Policy- Education and Pedagogy

Congreso Internacional. «Las Edades del Libro 2012. El libro manuscrito, impreso y electrónico a través del tiempo»

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Información adicional:
El Congreso Internacional «Las Edades del Libro» tiene como objetivo explorar el amplio espectro de tradiciones e innovaciones que se han dado en la configuración de los textos, en las diversas épocas y regiones, desde la producción temprana de códices hasta la era del libro electrónico. Lugar de realización:Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), en la Ciudad de México, México.Contacto:Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas, 4º piso Biblioteca Nacional, Centro Cultural Universitario,Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoCiudad Universitaria, 04510, México, DFTel.: +52 55 56226808Correo e.: edadesdellibro@iib.unamMás información en la página electrónica.

Striding toward Salvation: Medieval and Renaissance Pilgrimage in Europe and the Mediterranean

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During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, pilgrimage provided an important path to spiritual salvation; as such, a whole range of individuals—from peasants to kings, serfs to sultans—undertook these sacred journeys. The destinations of pilgrims varied, from the shrines of local saints to the two great pilgrimage cities of Jerusalem and Mecca, as did their motivations. This conference invites papers exploring Christian, Islamic, or Jewish pilgrimage in Europe and/or the Mediterranean between approximately 300 and 1600 CE. We welcome papers from all disciplines, including art history, history, literature, music, Near Eastern studies, religious studies, and others. Papers may address the theme of pilgrimage in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to:-Historical accounts of pilgrimage-Literary accounts of pilgrimage-Imagery depicting the act of pilgrimage or associated with a specific pilgrimage site-Shrines, relics, or reliquaries-The impact of pilgrimage on the politics, economy, or mmunity of a particular city-Pilgrims’ souvenirs. The conference will be held on the campus of Saginaw Valley State University (located in University Center, Michigan) on February 22-23, 2013. Those interested in presenting a 20-minute paper at the conference should submit a brief CV and a 200-word abstract to Dr. Emily Kelley at edkelley@svsu.edu no later than September 7, 2012. Emily Kelley, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Art HistoryArbury 151Art DepartmentSaginaw Valley State University7400 Bay RoadUniversity Center, MI 48710(989) 964-4567