Third International Medieval-Medieval Research Group «Space, Power and Culture» of Lleida University Meeting
Like the last IMMLleida, this event will feature four different conferences, each of them focusing on a different aspect of "AUCTORITAS" and different papers on a different aspects of medieval studies (i.e. history, art history, archaeology, philology and literature).Furthermore, there will be sessions about research management, as well as sessions introducing the activities of research institutions, presentations by companies dedicated to the management and promotion of heritage, and other activities related to the Middle Ages.Anyone interested in any aspect of Medieval History is welcome to participate in the IMMLleida! We would like to encourage you to present a paper or organise a session or, if applicable, introduce your research group, your publications, or simply come along to enjoy the conference and take part in the free cultural events we have organised for those summer nights.To enrol, simply fill in the relevant form on our website:If you have any queries at all, please contact us at: