Sociolinguistics Summer School 8 - COST New Speakers Training School (SSS8)

The Sociolinguistics Summer School is an annual international meeting point for postgraduate students and early career researchers where they have the opportunity to present their first findings, as well as to attend plenary sessions and workshops conducted by experienced researchers.
For 2017, UOC offered to host it in Barcelona as part of the activities programmed by the IS1306 COST Sociolinguistic Network on New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe.

Language and globalisation, management of multilingualism, newspeakerness, and variation and social identity will be the core themes of the SSS8, although presentations about all the current trends in sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology will be welcomed. Specifically, invited speakers will focus on the following topics:

  • Monica Heller (University of Toronto): Language and Inequality in Contemporary World
    • Workshop: Critical Sociolinguistic Ethnography
  • Francesc Xavier Vila (Universitat de Barcelona): Agency in Language Policy Revisited
    • Workshop: Language Policies and Management of Multilingualism
  • Joan Pujolar (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya): New speakers, Language and Lifestyles in Late Modernity
    • Workshop: New Speakers from a Critical Sociolinguistic Analysis Perspective
  • Robert Lawson (Birmingham City University): Big Data, Big Problems: Investigating Language Use on Twitter
    • Workshop: Social Media, Discourse Analysis, and Social Identity

In addition, participants in the SSS8 will have the opportunity to attend

Participants in the SSS8 have to choose between two formats of presentation:

Paper presentations

  • Participants present their research findings.
  • 20 minute presentation + 10 minutes for discussion.
  • Abstracts: 500 words maximum (excluding references), with keywords.
  • 42 proposals will be selected for this presentation format.

Workshop presentations

  • Participants present a specific aspect of their research that they would like to discuss with the invited speakers (i.e. methods, data collection, data analysis, ethical aspects & reflexivity). The topic of the presentation has to be related to the topic of the workshop and participants have to specify which workshop they would like to participate in.
  • 10 minute presentation + 15 minutes for feedback and discussion.
  • 300 word abstract summary (with keywords, excluding references) of research project, specifying which concrete aspects would like to be discussed. In addition to this, workshop participants will be asked to submit an extended abstract or presentation slides by the 20th of June.
  • 12 proposals (3 for each workshop) will be selected for this presentation format.

English should be the medium of both written proposals and oral presentations. However, we encourage the usage of multilingual materials in PowerPoint, handouts, etc. Abstracts should be sent by email and they will undergo blind review by members of the Scientific Committee. Each candidate has to submit two copies of their abstract. Make sure that one copy includes your name, email address, affiliation (if any) and presentation title. Submissions need to indicate as well whether they are intended for a paper presentation or one of the workshops (specifying which). The second copy has to be anonymised, and it should include your presentation title and whether it is intended for paper presentation or workshop (specifying which).
To participate in the SSS8, there will be a registration fee of 40 €.

The COST New Speakers Network will offer a number of travel & accommodation bursaries for ECR’s belonging to the network. The Societat Catalana de Sociolingüística (SOCS) will offer bursaries for ECR’s developing their work in one of the universities belonging to Xarxa Vives d’Universitats. Further details on payment, registration methods and bursaries will be published soon in the SSS8 website.

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