The Seventh Biennial Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry

Información adicional:

The conference will have as its main focus the following topic: Popular Poetry and Its Influence in High and Low CultureYou are invited to submit one-page abstracts and proposals for sessions on this or other topics dealing with poetry, poets, and poetics. Other topics of interest may include satirical poetry and its discontents, the erotic and the sacred, new textual editions and papers on individual poets of the period. Please send your abstract and a short CV to via e-mail to: Aaron MeridethDepartment of Foreign Languages and LiteraturesUniversity of MiamiCoral Gables, FL 33124-5650Telephone: 305 284 5585Fax: 305 284 2068a.merideth@miami.eduNew deadline for abstracts, August 31, 2005In order to guarantee room reservation rate for this conference of $119.00 please mention UM RBHP Group.For hotel reservations:Tel: +1 305 858 2500 Fax:+1 305 858 5776

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