International Conference «Ideas of/for Europe»

Materias de especialidad:
Carme Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián: «The idea of Europe in Galician national literature». Ignacio Pulido Serrano: «Spain in the building of european history and identity: past and future». José Ignacio Ruiz Rodríguez y Pierluigi Nocella: «Confessionalisation process and proto-nationalism in Spanish monarchy - Study through military orders (Venerable Orden Tercera de San Francisco) and University of Alcalá (1520-1680)». Margaret Tejerizo: «Is the time night? Visions of a 'New Europe' through the writings of Liudmila Petrushevskaia y Carmen Martín Gaite». Yara Frateschi Vieira: «Santiago de Compostela: A gateway for Auropean culture and poetry». Más información: Prof. Dr Teresa Pinheiro Juniorprofessur Kultureller und Sozialer Wandel TU Chemnitz ¿ Philosophische Fakultät D-09107 Chemnitz Teléfono: +49 371 531 35014 Fax: +49 371 531 27729 Correo electrónico: ;
Información adicional:

Ponencias (selección):Luís Machado de Abreu: «The missing word in the idea of Europe».Maria Manuel Baptista: «Cultural identity / Identities for Europe: Does it serve for anything?».Ingrid Baumgärtner: «Europe-Cartographical concepts in the Middle Ages».Paulo Borges: «From Europe towards the universalism of the Fifth Empire in the work by Fernando Pessoa».Ulrike Brummert: «Is Transculturality a european concept?».Luisa Juárez Hervás: «European identity in current spanish life: An analysis of various examples of Holocaust memory and representation in Contemporary Spain».Muanamosi Matumona: «Lusophone Africa and Europe: An historial and cultural heritage».Boyka Georgieva Nédeva: «The future of european languages in face of the dominance of english. The role of portuguese and bulgarian in european and international co-operation policies».
