British and American Travellers in Spain: writers, painters and musiciens 'From William Bromley to Hemingway'

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1st Call for Papers Organised by the Research Group HUM-594 ''Viajeros e Hispanistas'' of the 'Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía' (Spain). The organizers encourage new reflections on British and American travel literature, art, music and tourism themes in comparative perspective and in various historical periods, from the 17th century to the present. This conference will run parallel to the Art Exhibition of the famous British romantic painters John F. Lewis, David Roberts and Richard and Harriet Ford, whose opening will coincide with the first day of the conference. Practical information. We invite you to submit proposals for papers to Prof. María Antonia López-Burgos using either e-mail: or fax: +34-958-243729. You are requested to supply a title and a short 'précis' of your proposal not later than 30th December 2004 and the final text by 30th June 2005. Papers will be allocated into different sections according to their themes, and they will be handed out prior to the Conference. In Granada speakers will briefly present their hypotheses and a session of discussion will follow. Contributions will run from 5 to 7 single-spaced pages or 4,000 to 5,000 words (15 minutes delivery). Do not use footnotes at the bottom of the page or any imbedded notes. All notes, if used, must be endnotes. References, endnotes and acknowledgements will appear at the end of the text. Organizers.Prof. Dra. María Antonia López-Burgos. University of Granada. Spain.Universidad de Granada Facultad de CC. Económicas Campus de Cartuja, 18071 Granada, España
