Second International Workshop on Technological Innovation for Specialized Linguistic Domains: Lifelong Learning on the Move (TISLID 14)
TISLID’14 will be hosted by the ATLAS research group (// at the University of Salamanca’s campus in Ávila (Spain), 7th – 9th May 2014. This event will include keynotes, workshops, paper presentations, posters and roundtable debates, including a EUROCALL Special Interest Group (SIG) session on MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning). The following experts have confirmed their participation as keynote speakers:-Jozef Colpaert (Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium) – Designing for personalization and contextualization-Gavin Dudeney (The Consultants-E, Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom) – Digital Literacies: Teachers & Learners-John Traxler (University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom) - Language, Literacy and MobilesThe following experts will run workshops on a number of relevant topics:-Mª Dolores Castrillo (UNED, Madrid, Spain) & Jorge Arús (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain) – Building a MOOC for language learning: a research-oriented workshop-Nicky Hockly (The Consultants-E, Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom) – Teaching with mobile devices: choices and challenges-Isabel Pérez (Consejería de Educación de Andalucía, Spain) – Designing CLIL materials using open educational resources and ICT tools-Stravroula Sokoli (Hellenic Open University, Patrai, Greece) – Audiovisual Translation for Foreign Language Learning: new multimodal resources