Second IAFL European Conference on Forensic Linguistics / Language and the Law
First Call for Papers - Call deadline: January 31, 2006The Institute of Applied Linguistics (IULA) at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain) will host the 2nd European IAFL Conference on Forensic Linguistics / Language and the Law. The meeting is a 3-day conference on forensic linguistics / language and law, to be held from the 14th to the 16 of September 2006.Conference chairperson: Professor M. Teresa Turell.Contact address: forensiclab@upf.eduPapers are invited and they should deal with all aspects of forensic linguistics / language and law including, but not limited to the following: Legal Languages:* The history of legal languages. * The role of literacy in legal languages.* Technicality in legal languages.* Written legal genres (including warnings).* Critical approaches to legal languages.* Language education for law professionals.Legal Discourse:* Courtroom language.* Police and prison language.* The role of narrative in legal discourse.* Structures/macrogenres of court proceedings across systems.* Bilingual courtrooms.* Power and common law examination.* Language addressed to the judge and jury in common law courtrooms.* The readability/comprehensibility of legal documents. * The analysis/interpretation of legal texts/statutes.* The comprehensibility of the police caution issued to suspects. * Interviews with children in the legal system. * The communicative challenges of 'vulnerable' witnesses.Language minorities and the legal system:* Language testing of asylum seekers.* Language and disadvantage before the law.* Courtroom interpreting and translating. Law on language:* Language rights.* The right to silence.* Offensive language/Group vilification.Forensic linguistic expertise:* Voice profiling and identification.* Linguistic determination of nationality.* Computerized writer profiling.* Authorship.* Trademarks.* Deception and fraud.* Plagiarism.Scientific committee:Enrique Alcaraz, Janet Cotterill, Malcolm Coulthard, Diana Eades, Elena Ferrán, John Gibbons, Krzysztof Kredens, Frances Rock, Peter Tiersma, M. Teresa Turell.Keynote plenary speakers: Enrique Alcaraz, Ron Butters, Janet Cotterill, Malcolm Coulthard, Philip Harrison and Larry Solan.