New Trends in Spoken Corpora

Materias de especialidad:
Contacto: Marlén González González Correo e.:
Información adicional:

This workshop gathers recent contributions from specialists in the compilation and analysis of spoken corpora of Spanish, Dutch, English and Portuguese. The main objective is to promote the exchange of experiences in different lines of research on orality from the corpus linguistics perspective. On the one hand, the talks will tackle the problems derived from the design of the corpus samples and from the compilation and documentation of materials; on the other hand, they will also discuss the advantages of developing and using common formats, resources and technologies. Besides, these specialists will present new proposals of annotation at different levels to properly reflect the typical speech phenomena and to facilitate the study of the relationships among the phonological, syntactic and pragmatic-discoursive levels of language. From the point of view of corpus exploitation and its applications, we will see how different types of oral corpora provide materials which may be particularly valuable in the areas of second language teaching and learning, as well as in the research on dialectal and register variation within a particular language.
