Congreso «Convivencia: representations, knowledge and identities, 500-1600 a.d.»

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Conferencias y ponencias:David Nirenberg (The University of Chicago): «Convivencia y conflicto en Iberia».Angelika Neuwirth (Freie Universität Berlin): «The Qur'an - a text of Late Antiquity». Andreina Contessa (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): «The Visualization of the Heavens in Medieval manuscripts: From Ancient Astronomical Imagery to Christian Scientific Illustration».Regula Forster (Freie Universität Berlin): «Transmission of knowledge through Literature: The Literary Frames of the pseudo - Aristotelian Sirr al-Asrar and Kitab al-Tuffaha». Tom Nickson (Courtauld Institute London): «Gates of Paradise. Getting into medieval Spain».Cynthia Robinson (Cornell University): «Purposeful Polyvalence: Christ, the Virgin, Polemic and Devotions in a Multi-Confessional Castile (15th c.)». Beatrice Gruendler (Yale University): «Books, Notes, and Words: Communicative choices on the eve of Arabic-Islamic book culture (3rd century AH/9th century CE)»Felipe Pereda (Universidad Complutense Madrid): «The appropriation of past forms of art and science in new contexts».***Maria Rosa Menocal (Yale University): «On Convivencia». Esperanza Alfonso (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid): «The Forgotten Sheaf: Exegesis and Poetry from Granada to Tlemcen». José Martínez Gázquez (Universidad Autònoma Barcelona): «The Representation of Islam in Medieval Texts of the 'Corpus Islamolatinum'». Rosa María Rodríguez Porto (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela): «Anatopic Visions, Displaced Conflicts. Translations of Romans antiques in Medieval Castile». Claudia Rückert (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): «Islamophobic tendencies in the Romanesque Sculpture of Northern Spain and France?».Ryan Szpiech (University of Michigan): «Hermeneutical Muslims? Islam as Witness in Christian anti-Jewish Polemic». Avinoam Shalem (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München): «Face to Face: Cordoba and Baghdad». ***Benjamin Jokisch (Universität Freiburg): «The interwitness of Islamic and Roman law». Hussein Fancy Anwar (University of Michigan): «The Mercenary Mediterranean, or The Microecology of Law». Sonja Brentjes (Universidad de Sevilla): «The shift from faith-neutral to faith-based scholarly communities in Islamic societies». Ana Echevarría (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid): «Representation and Knowledge of Islam among Castilian Muslims: burials and rites». Stefania Pastore (Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa): «From popular to intellectual averroism: the 'marrano' Diego Hurtado de Mendoza».Sabine Schmidtke (Freie Universität Berlin): «David b. Joshua Maimonides' (fl. ca. 1335-1410). Commentary on Najm al-Din al-Katibi's (d. 657/1276) al-Risala al-Shamsiyya». Günther Schlee (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology): «Ethnic and religious differences in the study of conflict and social integration: Exploration of a comparative perspective with a focus on convivencia elsewhere and the other way round».***Eleazar Gutwirth (Tel Aviv University): «Belatedness, history and authorship: Medieval Spain».Mercè Comes y Mónica Herrera (Universitat de Barcelona): «Chartmarkers at work. Spaces of Convivencia across the Mediterranean».Henrik Karge (Technische Universität Dresden): «Image and Space in Christian Andalusia. Ecclesiastical Buildings and Holy Images in the Neighbourhood of Islam». Marina Rustow (Emory University): «Language, Power, and Cultural Transmission: Sicilian Jews and the Polyglot Phenomenon».
