Catedral Tomada, volumen 6, número 10 (2018)

'Catedral Tomada, Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana' presenta en este numero, entre otros, los siguientes articulos: 

- Mexico City in 21th Century Mexican Poetry. Poetic Figurations of Urban Space, María Ema Llorente
- 2666: the Post-Apocalypse according to Roberto Bolaño, Rodrigo López
- Caracas’ Variations: Space as Textual-Image in Celeste Olalquiaga, Yolanda Pantin and Arturo Uslar Pietri, Gianfranco Selgas
- The Barranquilla of Voces: Exercises of a Spatial Re-mapping. How did Circulate the Voces Journal as a materiality?, Luis Alfonso Barragán
- Cuba and Its Grotesque Image in Mi tío el empleado by Ramón Meza, Vicente Gomis-Izquierdo
- History and Cognition in Latin American Narrative: Jorge Volpi and the Trilogía del siglo XX, José-Carlos Redondo-Olmedilla
- The Reverse of the Soul of Carla Guelfenbein: a «Corporal Narrative» Written by Female Characters,   Simone Marino-Cicinelli.
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