2nd Annual Teacher Workshop in New York City
Modern language study has grown in importance over the last decade. Spurred by globalization, enrollments have increased. The proficiency revolution has yielded results, and more students feel that foreign language classes are addressing their primary needs - to understand and communicate!The foreign language field, however, faces new challenges. How can we use technology to meet our goals? How can media and the Internet be used effectively? How can we use portfolios to improve writing proficiency? How can the AP program drive our curriculum?The College of Mount Saint Vincent, located on the Hudson River in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, invites you to explore these and other issues in a one-day workshop. Our intent is to stimulate, inspire, and provide you with tools to make your language program even better!- No inscription fee.- Free samples of texts.- Abundant handouts, including DVDs and CDs.- Complimentary breakfast, lunch and wine and cheese reception.Program8:00 - 9:00 am.Arrival on campus (Complimentary breakfast)9:00 - 9:15 am.Welcome address9:15 - 10:00.Plenary SessionInés Powell, Metropolitan Museum of Art: Teaching language with art.10:05 - 10:55.WorkshopsRichard Bueno, Academic Director of Instituto Cervantes (NY): La pronunciación en la enseñanza de E/LE.Marie C. Picher, ML Dept. CMSV: Techiques theâtrales pour la salle de classe.College Board: Italian AP Exam update.11:00 - 11:55WorkshopsSergio Abramovich, Director FUNIBER USA: La formación en línea del profesor de español. Un caso práctico: FUNIBER.Rodney Rodríguez, ML Dept. Manhattan College/CMSV: How to evaluate writing samples through portfolio analysis.12:00 - 1:00 pm.Complimentary Lunch1:05 - 2:00WorkshopsVictor Oroval, Asesor de la Agregaduría de Educación. Consulado general deEspaña: Computer-based A/V for Spanish.College Board: Report on the new Spanish language AP Exam.Nonie Wanger, ML Dept. Manhattan College: Teaching grammar and culture with cartoons in the Italian classroom.2:05 - 3:00WorkshopsGuillermo Salgado, Academic coordinator (Queen Sofía): El uso del cómic en la clase de español.2:05 - 2:30Leticia Zervas-Gaytán, ML Dept. CMSV: Juan Rulfo: narrativa de desesperanza y amor en ''No oyes ladrar los perros''.2:35 - 3:00Laura Redruello, ML Dept. Manhattan College: La música y la imagen en la enseñanza de E/LE.3:00 pm.Wine and cheese Reception