+ Onthaal - 09.30 - 10.00 u. + Ochtendsessie - 10.00 - 12.45 u. Jacques De Bruyne: 'Inleiding tot de lectuur van het beste boek aller tijden'. Erik Hertog: 'Don Quichot en Hamlet. Twee zielsgenote...
This dissertation uses the seventeenth-century Spanish plays which employ an array of mythological stories of Theseus to analyze the Early Modern ideology of the Prince. The consideration of the diffe...
04/10/2017-06/10/2017: Over the last years, the current standards for scientific discovery have repeatedly been questioned. Especially the social sciences are going through a «replicability crisis» tr...
Número 3 (2005) Sumario Estudios - José Manuel Marín Ureña (Universidad de Murcia): «Ángeles y demonios en el teatro de la generación del 27». - Francisca Ferrer Gimeno (Universitat de València): ...
'Stichomythia: Revista de teatro español contemporáneo', vinculada a la Universidad de Valencia, se publicó anualmente de forma electrónica, desde 2002 hasta 2012. ISSN electrónico: 1579-7368
This qualitative multiple comparative case study investigated attrition in online Spanish language courses, from both instructor and student perspectives. Attrition rates in online courses have been f...