Spanish in Contact. Policy, Social and Linguistic Inquiries

Ámsterdam, 2007. IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society, 22. Summary Part I. Heritage Spanish in the United States. 1. Carmen Silva-Corvalán y Noelia Sánchez-Walker: «Subjects in early dual language development: A case study of a Spanish-English bilingual child». 2. Silvina A. Montrul: «Interpreting mood distinctions in Spanish as a heritage language». 3. Francisco Moreno Fernández: «Anglicismos en el léxico disponible de los adolescentes hispanos de Chicago». Part II. Education and policy issues. 4. Maria M. Carreira: «Teaching Spanish in the U.S.: Beyond the one-size-fits-all paradigm». 5. Lourdes Torres: «The politics of English and Spanish 'aquí y allá'». 6. Manuel Triano-López: «Language attitudes and the lexical de-Castilianization of Valencian: Implications for language planning». 7. Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez: «Are Galicians bound to diglossia? An analysis of the nature, uses and values of standard Galician». Part III. Pragmatics and contact. 8. Janet M. Fuller, Minta Elsman y Kevan Self: «Addressing peers in a Spanish-English bilingual classroom». 9. Ana Sánchez-Muñoz: «Style variation in Spanish as a heritage language: A study of discourse particles in academic and non-academic registers». 10. Linda Ohlson: «'Baby I'm Sorry, te juro, I'm Sorry': Subjetivización 'versus' objetivización mediante el cambio de códigos inglés/español en la letra de una canción de bachata actual». 11. Marilyn S. Manley: «Cross-linguistic influence of the Cuzco Quechua epistemic system on Andean Spanish». 12. Luis A. Ortiz López: «La negación en la frontera domínico-haitiana: Variantes y usos (socio)lingüísticos». Part IV. Variation and contact. 13. Anna María Escobar: «On the development of contact varieties: The case of Andean Spanish». 14. Kimberly L. Geeslin y Pedro Guijarro-Fuentes: «Linguistic and social predictors of copula use in Galician Spanish». 15. Ricardo Otheguy and Ana Celia Zentella: «Apuntes preliminares sobre el contacto lingüístico y dialectal en el uso proominal del español en Nueva York». 16. Nydia Flores-Ferrán: «Is the past really the past in narrative discourse?». 17. Rafael Orozco: «The impact of linguistic constraints on the expression of futurity in the Spanish of New York Colombians». 18. Jessi Elana Aaron y José Esteban Hernández: «Quantitative evidence for contact-induced accommodation: Shifts in /s/ reduction patterns in Salvadoran Spanish in Houston». 19. Michelle L. Salazar: «Está muy diferente a como era antes: Ser and Estar + Adjective in New Mexico Spanish». Part V. Bozal Spanish. 20. John M. Lipski: «Where and how does bozal Spanish survive?». 21. William W. Megenney: «The appearance and use of bozal language in Cuban and Brazilian neo-African literature».
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