Signs and Society

Volumen 2, Número 1 - Suplemento (2014) Table of Contents Articles -Representing Transcendence: The Semiosis of Real PresenceRepresenting Transcendence: The Semiosis of Real Presence, Massimo Leone and Richard J. Parmentier -Cherubim: (Re)presenting Transcendence, Ugo Volli -Wrapping Transcendence: The Semiotics of ReliquariesWrapping Transcendence: The Semiotics of Reliquaries, Massimo Leone -Transition between Life and Afterlife: Analyzing The Triumph of Death in the Camposanto of Pisa, Lorenzo Carletti and Francesca Polacci -Meher Baba’s Silent Semiotic OutputMeher Baba’s Silent Semiotic Output, José Sanjinés -Signs of Life: Grounding the Transcendent in Japanese Memorial ObjectsSigns of Life: Grounding the Transcendent in Japanese Memorial Objects, Joshua A. Irizarry -The Glacier, the Rock, the Image: Emotional Experience and Semiotic Diversity at the Quyllurit’i Pilgrimage (Cuzco, Peru), Guillermo Salas Carreño -Hearing Transcendence: Distorted Iconism in Tōru Takemitsu’s Film MusicHearing Transcendence: Distorted Iconism in Tōru Takemitsu’s Film Music, Christopher I. Lehrich
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