Selected Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Laboratory Approaches to Spanish Phonology

Cascadilla Press 2010. Trabajos presentados en el congreso que tuvo lugar en septiembre de 2009 en la Universidad de Texas, Austin. Sumario Introducción de Marta Ortega-Llebaria. Plenaries Laura Bosch: «The acquisition of language-specific sound categories from a bilingual input». Págs. 1-10. José Ignacio Hualde: «Secondary stress and stress clash in spanish». Págs. 11-19. Characterizing the Speech of Bilinguals Erin O'Rourke: «Dialect differences and the bilingual vowel space in peruvian spanish». Págs. 20-30. Marta Ramón Casas y Laura Bosch: «Are non-cognate words phonologically better specified than cognates in the early lexicon of bilingual children?». Págs. 31-36. Miquel Simonet: «Rating accented speech on continua: nativeness in speech production in highly proficient bilinguals». Págs. 37-46. Prosody Su Ar Lee, Fernando Martínez Gil y Mary E. Beckman: «The intonational expression of incredulity in absolute interrogatives in Buenos Aires spanish». Págs. 47-56. Daniel Olson y Marta Ortega-Llebaria: «The perceptual relevance of code switching and intonation in creating narrow focus». Págs. 57-68. Rajiv Rao: «Final lengthening and pause duration in three dialects of spanish». Págs. 69-82. Eduardo Velázquez: «Acoustic comparative study of spanish prosody: Mexico City vs. Madrid». Págs. 83-90. Segments and Clusters Mark Amengual y Cynthia P. Blanco: «Final consonant clusters in majorcan catalan verbs: the resolution of sonority sequence principle violations through cluster simplification». Págs. 91-99. Laura Colantoni e Irina Marinescu: «The scope of stop weakening in Argentine spanish». Págs. 100-114. Nicholas C. Henriksen y Erik W. Willis: «Acoustic characterization of phonemic trill production in jerezano andalusian spanish». Págs. 115-127. Natalia Mazzaro: «Changing perceptions: the sociophonetic motivations of the labial velar alternation in spanish». Págs. 128-145.
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