LFE. Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos

Número 19 (2013) ARTICLES / ARTÍCULOS Introduction to a very special «special issue» -Guest Editors’s IntroductionIntroduction to a very special issue -CLIL and translation in tertiary education, Jorge Braga Riera & Carmen Maíz Arévalo (Complutense University of Madrid) -Überwindbare Barrieren. Berufsorientierter Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Fehmarnbeltregion, Petra Daryai-Hansen, Sonja Barfod & Susanne Hvidtfeldt (Roskilde University) -What do students talk about? The relevance of content-focused and non-content-focused talk types within peer-interaction CLIL tasks, Miquel Àngel Fuentes (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) -La enseñanza integrada de lenguas y contenidos en formación profesional, María Soledad Hoyos Pérez (Universitat de València) -Aproximación teórica y práctica a un curso de EFE de farmacia, Adrijana Krebs (Universidad Singidunum), Itziar Simó Arroyo (Bridgwater College) -Teaching and learning science in context, Myriam Maldonado Juárez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) -Discussing content and language integrated learning in domain name dispute resolution, Laura Martínez Escudero (University of Zaragoza) -Junior university: A rite of passage, Joan Masnou Suriñach & Sarah Khan (Universitat de Vic) -From ESP to CLIL using the schema theory, Nashwa Nashaat Sobhy, César Berzosa & Fiona M. Crean (Universidad de San Jorge) MISCELLANEA / SECCIÓN MISCELÁNEA -Framing research in food science: the state of the art on research articles, short communications and poster presentations, Eugenio Cianflone (Università degli Studi di Messina) -Spanish vs. English mediated lectures: A contrastive approach to the use of evidential markers, Elena Domínguez Romero (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) -Reflections on the use of nonverbal communication in teaching Spanish to sino-speakers, Renia López-Ozieblo (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) -The teaching of academic writing to English as second language students: A functional genre-b REVIEWS / RESEÑAS Y NOTAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS María Luisa Carrió-Pastor (ed.), Content and language integrated learning: cultural diversity. Por Ivalla ORTEGA BARRERA -Inmaculada Fortanet-Gómez. CLIL in Higher Education. Towards a Multilingual Language Policy. Por Ruth BREEZE -Paul Gruba & Don Hinkelman. Blending Technologies in Second Language Classrooms. Por Margarita VINAGRE -Ana Llinares, Tom Morton & Rachel Whitaker. The Roles of Language in CLIL. A useful guide for practitioners of content and language integrated learning. Por Mandy L. DEAL -Lugar de edición: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Editor: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria
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