Lexis and Grammar Conference 2006

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It will be the 25th anniversary of the first Conference in this series, the Colloque européen sur les lexiques et grammaires comparés des langues romanes, organised by Alain Guillet and Nunzio La Fauci in Palermo in September 1981. It will be dedicated to the memory of Alain Guillet.The Conference welcomes innovative papers on the formal description of languages, as well as on the construction, management and use of language resources, from different theoretical frameworks.The Conference will combine for the first time a general session and a thematic session.The thematic session of the 25th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar will focus on phraseology and multiword expressions, including, but not limited to: idioms and semi-frozen phrases, local grammars, collocations, compound words, complex predicates and support verb or light verb constructions. Submissions for the general session may address any of the usual topics of the Conference: predicate-argument structures, the interface between lexis and grammar, language resources exploitable for language processing, language resources concerning lexis or grammar. The languages of the Conference are English and French.A selection of the papers presented at the conference will be published in a special volume of the Lingvisticae Investigationes journal.Scientific Committee : Mirella Conenna (Univ. Bari), Maxime Crochemore (CNRS-Univ. Marne-la-Vallée), Laurence Danlos (Univ. Paris 7), André Dugas (UQAM), Annibale Elia (Univ. Salerno), Cédrick Fairon (Catholic Univ. Louvain-la-Neuve), Christiane Fellbaum (Univ. Princeton), Jacqueline Giry-Schneider (CNRS-Univ. Marne-la-Vallée), Gaston Gross (CNRS-Univ. Paris 13), Franz Guenthner (Univ. Maximilian, Munich), Lauri Karttunen (Xerox), Cvetana Krstev (Univ. Belgrade), Tita Kyriacopoulou (CNRS-Univ. Thessaloniki), Jacques Labelle (UQAM), Nunzio La Fauci (Univ. Zurich), Béatrice Lamiroy (Univ. Leuven), Éric Laporte (CNRS-Univ. Marne-la-Vallée), Christian Leclère (CNRS-Univ. Marne-la-Vallée), Peter Machonis (Florida International Univ.), Denis Maurel (Univ. Tours), Annie Meunier (CNRS-Univ. Marne-la-Vallée), Christian Molinier (Univ. Toulouse-le-Mirail), Karel Pala (Masaryk Univ., Brno), Mireille Piot (CNRS-Univ. Grenoble 3), Elisabete Marques Ranchhod (Univ. Lisbon), Antoinette Renouf (UCE Birmingham).
