II International Conference «Spanishness» in the Spanish Novel and Cinema of the 20th-21st century

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Submissions are invited for a 20 minute presentation (in Spanish or English) on any topic dealing with the concept of "Spanishness" in the Spanish novel and/or cinema of the 20th-21st century. Possible topics could include: "Spanishness" and nationalism/s "Spanishness" and identity Concepts of "the Spanish" in Spain and/or abroad "Spanishness" and postmodernism "Spanishness" and history The politics of "Spanishness" "Spanishness" and feminism Concepts of "the Spanish" and exile Notions of "the Spanish" and "the Spanish American" Language and "Spanishness" Submission of Abstracts.One-page abstracts are invited and should contain the following information: Name of author Academic rank and affiliation Title of paper Any interest in chairing a session 150-200 word summary of paper Please email your abstract (with "Spanishness Abstract" in the subject line) by December 1, 2007 to Dr. Cristina Sánchez-Conejero at csconejero@unt.edu