Acotaciones. Revista de Investigación y Creación Testral

Número 36 (2016) Solicitud de artículos / Call for Papers Acotaciones is inviting papers in English for No. 36. The online publication date is July 31, 2016. Submission Deadline: March 31, 2016. Acotaciones is a refereed international journal that seeks to publish scholarly work in theater. Contributions are welcome from all fields which have relevant and insightful comments to make about the social sciences and humanities. It has a particular interest in policy-relevant questions and interdisciplinary approaches. It serves as a forum for review, reflection and discussion informed by the results of recent and ongoing research. The journal is published by the Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático (The Royal College of Dramatic Arts in Madrid, Spain) that serves as a focal point for academicians, professionals, graduate and undergraduate students, fellows, and associates pursuing research throughout the world. The interested contributors are highly encouraged to submit their manuscripts/papers to the Executive Editor via: Contact: Executive Editor Dr. Fernando Doménech.
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